Popular indicator named Long-Term & Short-Term Holder Realized Price Ratio, slowly begins to flip to the side of the bulls. According to historical data, was able to predict the bull market.
Increased bulls pressure?
There are many popular indicators that can predict the price of BTC, but this is one of the most accurate. Host of the BTC 2021 conference is behind its creation, Dylan LeClair.
“The lower the short-term to long-term price ratio, the stronger the bull pressure. Eventually, all the bears will perish. “
The indicator has been showing a bearish trend for a few months now. According to LeClair, it is high time BTC woke up. The indicator works on the basis of long-term and short-term evaluators. Long-term assessments are defined by the analytical company Glassnode which can prove the addresses they hold BTC more than 155 days.
As we are in a relatively positive period, with BTC constantly approaching an all-time high, most indicators and fundamentals show bullish mood. Therefore, these predictions should be taken with caution. Personally, I see the greatest meaning and precision in support and resistance zones, ie the so-called resistance.
The top can come almost anytime. No one can estimate the exact zone. That’s why most analysts are starting to look at the impending correction.
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