Metaverse Town Star announces Storehouse for everyone
2 min read
The Town Star metaverse has announced that, from now on, every new town in the game will have a Storehouse already on the board.
In practice, this drastically reduces the time needed to build a working farm and makes it easier for new players to avoid unnecessary restarts.
Town Star is currently GALA Games’ flagship title. Plus, it’s one of the few play-to-earn games that’s been around for over a year.
Every new game in Town Star starts with a single goal: to get to production as quickly as possible.
The amount of production the player receives at the start of their journey is set and will not increase. In short: if you don’t produce Gasoline, you will go bankrupt after a few hours of play and you will need to start over.
Prior to this announced update, players also had to rush to get a Storehouse.
All resources, from the most basic crops to the highest level goods, must have space in a dedicated storage unit.
So if there is no storage space available when a good is produced, that good explodes into a tragic display.
Storehouse for everyone
The Storehouse is not only the most expensive ($20,000) storage building in the game, it also stores the most different goods.
A single unit can store Eggs, Milk, Wool, Butter, Dough, Flour, Salt, Sugar, Cake, Baguette, Chardonnay etc.
Now, with the Storehouse off the path to success, many new players may find it easier to start producing higher tier items like sugar, flour, or eggs.
This is essential to generate sufficient cash flow to generate Gasoline Production.
Town Star is by default a free-to-play game. But players without NFT cannot earn TOWN tokens.
In the Weekly Competitions, the top 400 players who built the most efficient farms will receive a GALA prize. Rewards range from 200 GALA up to 5,500 for the best player.
Weekly Competitions are free and do not require NFT. It is possible to play and win only with free in-game items.
With the introduction of new PTE mechanics, players can now win outside of the Weekly Competition on Casual Servers.
However, NFTs and a Season Pass are required to earn Town Coins. The Season Pass for the current Season is free.
The number of NFTs the player can place on their 16×16 farm depends on the GALA Power. The simplest way to increase GALA Power is to purchase GALA or TownCoin and store them in your wallet.
Thus, with early access to TSP2E, GALA and Town Coin held in a player’s wallet will be the determining factors for that player’s GALA Power level.