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Solid Minerals Investment Opportunities in Nigeria

3 min read

Due to advancement in science and technology, the industrialized countries of the world spend billions of dollars annually on import of solid minerals for manufacturing purposes. Solid minerals are widely used as important raw materials in the manufacturing of component parts for products like, mobile phone, computer systems, Air craft, Nuclear power generation and other scientific equipment manufacturing. It will interest you to know that Nigeria has an abundant of opportunities for entrepreneurs to make real wealth in mining and exporting the resources. Apart from been one of the largest exporters of crude oil, Nigeria is greatly endowed with nothing less than 30 types of solid minerals and some of them can be found in commercial quantities in over 400 locations in the 36states of the federal republic of Nigeria.

Below are some important deposits in Nigeria.

Iron Ore, Lead, Manganese llmenit Rutile, Zinc, Lithium Copper, Silver, Tantalite Columbite, Chromite, Uranium Gold, Barities, Gypsum Kaoline, Talc, Diatomite Bentolonite, Limestone, Clay Dolomite, Bismuth, Molybdensite Granite, Magnesite, Marble Feldspar, Mica, Phosphate Florite, Kyanite, Quartzite Silica sand, Rock salt, Amethyst Beryl, Sapphire, Tourmaline Emerald, Topaz, Garnet Ruby, Coal, Bitumen Wolframite

The list above has clearly shown that, Nigeria has one of the highest concentrations of different verities of solid minerals in Africa. Most of the mineral deposits in Nigeria have remained largely under exploited, due to the over reliance on crude oil for revenue generation by previous governments in Nigeria.

But, the present democratic government in Nigeria has instituted a new economic frame work that will open up the non oil sector to help create alternative sources of generating revenue for the country. Therefore, the government has put in place favorable policies to encourage genuine investors (both local and foreign) to come and exploit this abundant mineral resources in Nigeria for export.

I believe the government must have thought it wisely to encourage genuine investors to come in the mineral extractive industry, instead of allowing some few illegal miners to feed fat on these resources without paying taxes to the government.

The government of Nigeria, through the Federal ministry of solid minerals development has really setup a serious campaign to encourage interested local and foreign investors to come and invest the solid minerals sector. So, if you are interested then take advantage of this business opportunity the Nigerian solid mineral industry offers to make genuine cash for yourself. Indeed, there is huge profit to be made but before you can come into this solid mineral business, you need to get an operating license from the Federal ministry of solid minerals development Abuja/Nigeria. You can also liaising with other local mining companies and brokers in Nigeria for guide. With this you are sure to get consignment of solid minerals that are well packaged to meet international standard at a reasonable fee.

I believe the information gotten from this article if follow up you will definitely be on your way to making enough wealth through this mineral resources in Nigeria.

Act fast and don’t allow this opportunity to pass you bye.

Ojo Otaru

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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