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Are You A Calling Station?

4 min read


Sometimes I’ll stay up late at night to watch a show called “Poker After Dark” where the world top poker players play a week, long winner takes all, tournament.

I like this show because it’s a little like business.

Poker, if you boil it down, is basically a game of calculated risks – so is your business.

Difference is, in poker, luck plays a part so you can’t always win. Where in business, you can always win if you play your cards right.

Well, the reason I’m so entertained by this show is, I like to see who loses and why.

Because it works the same way in business, you just see the effects more exaggerated, and faster at the poker table.

It always comes down to two types:

1. The rogue who doesn’t take calculated risks and is playing on pure luck – for this person, there is no help.

2. The calling station, the person who doesn’t believe that the other player might have the winning hand and is driven by impulse to SEE it.

For the second type, there’s some hope.

See this person loses because they bet every hand to the end – just to SEE. They’re easily duped, their cash stack goes away quickly, and they’re out of the game.

Unfortunately, the home business arena is plagued with “callers” that don’t know what they are – they all want to see.

Here’s what I mean:

(HINT: avoid these types yourself for accelerated success in your business)

Sometimes I’ll check to see what people who, for whatever odd reason, decide to unsubscribe from my valuable tips and strategies say on the way out – guess what?

It always says “show me”.

I know because they’ll leave comments like “If your stuff is so good why don’t you just give it to me and when I make some money I’ll pay you out of my profits.”

That’s a caller’s mentality. And callers always lose. So…

I’m happy to see them go.

These types always lose because they want you to prove it to them first, they want magic, and then they’ll believe.

To all you “callers” out there,

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, that’s not the way THIS world works. Let me ask you something I want you to think deeply about.

Do you know anyone who’s successful that has the M.O. “Let me see if this works and if it does I’ll pay you?”

I don’t.

Successful entrepreneurs simply don’t think like that, but know who does?

Employees – people that want a job. Nothing wrong with wanting a job, all I’m saying is don’t confuse starting a business with a job.

They’re different animals living on different planets.

If you NEED money, which is something I hear a lot from “callers” on the way out.

The immediate solution is simple. Get a job.

Far less risk, you’re gonna get paid for your hours, and there’s always demand. Problem solved.

If you want to be successful in your home business, but you’re waiting for someone to go out and earn your first commission check for you so you can “see” the proof, you’re going to live a long frustrating life.


If I could place an ad and tell the vendor I’ll pay you if “it” works don’t you think I’d do it?

If I could get trained by someone who’s got experience and is in a place where I want to go and didn’t have to pay unless “it” worked, don’t you think I would?

Did you catch the word by the way? “It”

When you take the “calling station” stance you’re playing passively. You’re letting the world call the shots for you. Nothing is ever your responsibility and that a world is for mediocre individuals – not you or I.

Entrepreneurs would do it the other way if it was possible, but in this world, you can’t be successful as a “calling station”, successful people get it.

They realize that it isn’t going to change for them, and so…

They adapt. They take the steps to grow. They take on the responsibility and make calculated risks because they see two things:

They see the opportunity in it.

They see that it’s the path to wealth and happiness.

And play along…

You can’t have it both ways. You can be a free loader and get by, that’s fine – you’re not a bad person for it.


You can step up and play the way winners play and reap the rewards.

“Calling Stations” and free loaders want magic – they want some force to come into their life and change it while they sit back and watch.

They’ll never say that to you straight up, but they know that’s what they’re really “hoping” for.

Then they wait to “SEE” when the magic is going to happen.

By doing that, they never give magic a chance to come into play.

Magic is there and available to them, but…

You don’t grow a large organization in your business by waiting to see what happens. You believe it’s going to happen. You go make it happen. Then you inspire others with your passion and drive.

That’s where magic lives.

You see the opportunity. You take it at all costs. And in that, magic comes into your life.

Play the game to win or play to “see” the winner beat you and “call” – it’s up to you.

Daegan Smith

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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