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Top performing stocks in the S&P 500 in 2024 have left cryptocurrencies in the dust!

5 min read

The year 2024 was a wild ride for many companies in the S&P 500 index – like a rollercoaster in Disneyland. Some firms shot up like a rocket headed for Mars, especially in the technology and energy sectors, while others just hung on for dear life. But a strong economy gave everyone a nice boost, and some stocks shined on Wall Street like the brightest stars in the galaxy. So, let’s dive into the top 10 coolest performers in the S&P 500, according to the latest data.

What is the S&P 500 Index?

The S&P 500 (Standard & Poor’s 500) is like the celebrity A-list of the stock market, tracking the 500 biggest public companies in the U.S. based on market cap. Covering around 80% of the U.S. stock market, it’s a who’s who of industries—ranging from tech and energy to healthcare and finance. Think of it as the ultimate reference for how the U.S. economy is performing, used by investors and analysts alike to gauge market trends.

But it’s not just a one-hit wonder. The S&P 500 provides diversification across different sectors, making it one of the most reliable indicators of the health of the American market. And just like Hollywood stars, companies in the index can be added or dropped depending on their market cap and liquidity.

Top Performing Stocks in the S&P 500

  1. GeneDx Holdings Corp. (WGS)

    YTD Performance: +2,072%
    Description: GeneDx Holdings has been busy decoding not just genes, but stock market success. With a rise that would make any biotech jealous, they’ve turned DNA into dollars. They’re so good at gene diagnostics that investors are wondering if they’ve cracked the code for minting money. Sure, they don’t hand out dividends, but with a stock growth this massive, who needs extra cash? GeneDx is proof that sometimes, being a little “genius” really pays off (except in dividends, of course).
    Dividends: None, but those stock gains are in top genetic form.

  2. Fitell Corporation (FTEL)

    YTD Performance: +981%
    Description: Fitell must be lifting some serious weights, because their stock performance looks like it’s been on a non-stop workout routine. Home fitness equipment has become the new “beach body,” and Fitell is flexing its 981% gains like a pro bodybuilder. With a product line designed to help you break a sweat, they’ve managed to break stock market records, too. The only thing not bulging? Those dividends—they’re still stuck in the locker room.
    Dividends: No dividends, but plenty of stock muscles.

  3. Longboard Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (LBPH)

    YTD Performance: +878%
    Description: Longboard Pharmaceuticals isn’t just riding the pharma wave—they’re cruising. Specializing in neurology, they’re working on treatments to fix those brainy problems and making investors giddy with excitement in the process. With an 878% rise, their stock is clearly longboarding straight to the bank. It’s like a never-ending ride on a pharmaceutical pipeline of profits, even though those sweet, sweet dividends are nowhere to be found.
    Dividends: Nada, but their stock growth is brainy brilliance.

  4. Sezzle Inc. (SEZL)

    YTD Performance: +815%
    Description: Sezzle has turned “buy now, pay later” into “buy stock now, and maybe pay later in profits.” Their 815% rise shows that consumers love splitting payments, and investors love splitting profits. They’ve climbed higher than your credit card bill after a shopping spree, but don’t expect any dividends—they’re more about delayed gratification (just like their business model).
    Dividends: Nope, they’re Sezzling out dividends.

  5. Dogness (International) Corporation (DOGZ)

    YTD Performance: +796%
    Description: Dogness is barking up the right tree with their smart pet tech. It seems that every pet owner wants a high-tech pooch, and Dogness has delivered—leading to an almost 800% stock rise. Investors are chasing profits like a dog chases its tail, but no bones (or dividends) are being thrown their way. Still, with smart pet gadgets this hot, who needs kibble?
    Dividends: No treats, but plenty of stock bark.

  6. Inseego Corp. (INSG)

    YTD Performance: +751%
    Description: Inseego has connected more than just wireless devices—it’s connected investors to some major profits. With 5G rolling out faster than your Wi-Fi can handle, Inseego’s stock has risen 751% this year. While they’re all about cutting-edge connectivity, their dividend signal is still out of service. But hey, with profits like this, they can probably afford to upgrade the towers!
    Dividends: No connection to dividends yet.

  7. Summit Therapeutics Inc. (SMMT)

    YTD Performance: +675%
    Description: Summit Therapeutics isn’t just climbing a mountain—it’s climbing a Mount Everest of stock success. With infectious disease treatments leading the charge, their stock has risen 675% like it’s been injected with rocket fuel. Investors are holding onto their hiking poles for dear life, but those pesky dividends? Still stuck at base camp.
    Dividends: Nope, no high-altitude dividends.

  8. LakeShore Biopharma Co., Ltd (LSB)

    YTD Performance: +641%
    Description: LakeShore Biopharma is surfing the biotech wave and catching some serious stock momentum. Specializing in breakthroughs that might just change the medical world, they’ve managed to ride the tide to a 641% increase. Investors are catching the wave, but there’s no dividend surfboard in sight—just a lot of excitement in the biotech waters.
    Dividends: No dividend lifeboat here.

  9. Laser Photonics Corporation (LASE)

    YTD Performance: +628%
    Description: Laser Photonics is cutting through the stock market like a high-powered beam. Their industrial lasers are in high demand, and their stock has been rising faster than light at 628% this year. With all that precision, you’d think dividends would be in the crosshairs—but no, they’re just slicing profits without the payout.
    Dividends: Not a laser beam of dividends.

  10. Eco Wave Power Global AB (WAVE)

    YTD Performance: +604%
    Description: Eco Wave Power is riding the wave of renewable energy, turning ocean waves into electrifying profits. Their stock is up 604% as the world looks to sustainable solutions, but don’t expect a dividend wave to come crashing in. They’re busy riding the green energy trend, and that seems to be enough for now.
    Dividends: No tidal wave of dividends just yet.


These companies are the rockstars of the S&P 500 in 2024, thanks to their innovative tech, healthcare breakthroughs, and eco-friendly energy solutions. Sure, they don’t hand out dividends like candy, but with growth like this, who’s complaining? Investors are diving headfirst into these fast-growing sectors, hoping to catch the next big wave (or, you know, smart pet tech).

S&P 500 Performance in 2024: Steady Climb with Some Bumps Along the Way

If the S&P 500 was a rollercoaster, it’s been mostly uphill with a few thrilling dips. Starting at around 5,000 points, it climbed like a hiker on a caffeine high, reaching a peak of 5,800 points by June. Then, like all great rides, there were a couple of jolts—June and July brought some wild corrections, but no one screamed too loud (okay, maybe a little). Investors braced for some mid-summer macroeconomic turbulence (inflation and interest rates, anyone?), but by fall, it was back to cruising at 5,850 points.

Top performing stocks in the S&P 500 in 2024 have left cryptocurrencies in the dust!


With tech and energy leading the charge, it looks like the S&P 500 is on a solid run. Investors are holding tight, expecting more twists, turns, and loop-the-loops, but all in all, it’s been a smooth ride for 2024!

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.