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GALA is back on the bullish train

2 min read


Yes, the industry that deals with offering a link between blockchain And video games, between metaverse And cryptocurrencies is the strongest of the moment and does not care about a series of lateral movements which are instead throwing despair among those who have invested in top of the range of the sector.

GALA, of the homonymous project, has been growing in double figures in the last 24 hours, driving other projects that we have had the opportunity to talk about in the last few days of exchanges. It is time to give this cryptocurrency – and its curious and passionate people – an in-depth study, to understand what kind of project we have in front of us.

GALA Doubles Price: What’s Happening?

We could perhaps close the matter by referring to our broad analyzes of the bullish movement that is affecting the entire sector gaming-related cryptocurrencies and metaverse. We have seen it with Decentraland and its recent boom, linked more than anything else to the passage of Facebook (for now in words) towards a very similar reality.

We also saw it with The Sandboxalso this one crossed by strong bullish pressures in the last few hours. Gala has in a certain sense followed its reference sector, riding however the arrival of great news that concern you, from now until the end of the year.

A few elements about Gala

Gala was founded by an old acquaintance of the world of gaming. Let’s talk about Eric Schiermeyer who was co-founder of Zynga (a company of great fortune only until a few years ago), which brought its own expertise in the world of games on blockchain.

Gala Games it does not operate as a single game – but as a framework within which several. Spider Tanks have already reached a certain degree of popularity, whose first major tournament was held just in these days.

There is also a NFT market, linked to the games themselves – and which is a significant part of the trading volumes on the platform. Drop from NFT and special campaigns for gamers participating in the network. A complete system, which perhaps exploits all of the potential which concerns the sector.

What to expect for the future from Gala?

We believe – and we have already said this in several specials dedicated to platforms similar, that’s the time to NFT And gaming on the network blockchain is far from running out. This will allow this and other protocols to extend, with a sufficient time horizon, of increase their market value.

With regard to Gala, the still relatively low market capitalization offers more room for growth. The token, as of this writing, is still below the first 200, with a total market cap of 1.4 billion. We are more than sure of room for growth, there is still a lot.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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