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Nvidia rises to No. 2 in the world

2 min read

Nvidia’s chips remain in high demand. The latest increase in the share price pushed the value of the technology group up to more than $3 trillion.

Nvidia rises to No. 2 in the world

Apple is temporarily left behind

This means that Apple has lost out and slipped to third place in the list of the most valuable companies in the world. Microsoft, on the other hand, is also benefiting from the ongoing boom in artificial intelligence and is maintaining its number 1 position.

he development of Nvidia’s share price shows the path it has taken. At the beginning of the AI ​​boom, a share of the company was worth $150. This value has now increased eightfold.

Microsoft holds the No. 1

Computer chips keep the world moving, and this has been reinforced by the new interest in artificial intelligence. Nvidia has benefited the most from this so far. Microsoft, on the other hand, benefits from its stake in OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT.

Investors firmly believe that Microsoft will be able to consolidate and expand its business by integrating ChatGPT into its products. At the same time, however, the Redmond-based company is dependent on Nvidia chips, which have proven to be ideal for training artificial intelligence.

Sales of AI are exploding

Nvidia was able to increase its sales in the last quarter from $7.2 billion in the same quarter last year to $26 billion. The value of the company also grew in line with the sales figures. The most powerful chips are now in such demand that there are supply bottlenecks on the market.

The prospects for the future are bright. After all, Nvidia’s chips are no longer just used for the computationally intensive training of AI, but also for its operation. In addition, companies are using Nvidia products for so-called digital twins, which optimize business processes using virtual copies.


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