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7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

5 min read

The generative AI revolution opens exciting possibilities for individuals and companies. While many are eager to experiment with large language models (LLMs), choosing the right tool for your needs is essential. ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and Bard, among others, are easy-to-use options worth exploring.

A revolution in generative AI is underway. As pioneers and developers delve deeper into how it works, more and more people are eager to experiment with Large Language Models (LLMs) to discover what they can do. However, many don’t know where to start.

According to PA Consulting, 85% of US consumers are very interested in artificial intelligence (AI), but almost 82% are wary of it, and 65% say they are completely confused.

The truth is, you don’t have to be an AI researcher or prompting expert to benefit from generative AI chatbots. Tools like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, Jasper,, Quillbot, and Dall-E 2 are all LLM tools that make it easy for new users to experiment.

Top 6 Generative AI Tools You Need to Know

1. ChatGPT

7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

ChatGPT is the best-known AI chatbot on the market and is very easy to use. Simply enter a written question or request, press enter, and the solution uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze your input and provide a written response to generate.

This tool is a general-purpose AI assistant, meaning users can ask questions as part of a conversation or use it to produce written content such as articles, emails, lists, poems, songs, code, and stories.

When released in November 2022, ChatGPT training data only went up to 2021, but as of September 27, 2023, users can request information from the tool via the Bing search engine.

It is important to note that ChatGPT has a tendency to make up facts, so it is important to fact-check any information it provides.

2. Bing Chat

7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

Bing Chat is Microsoft’s chatbot for search engines, based on the GPT-4 LLM, and available via a sidebar in the Edge web browser. With Bing Chat, you can enter searches with text or images, or perform a voice search, and Bing will respond with a written answer or an image, depending on your search query.

One of Bing Chat’s main selling points is its functionality as a search tool. It uses training data connected to the Internet, allowing you to ask it questions about current events and news in the same way you would a search engine.

When he answers, he also includes a list of resources and relevant links so you can do further research on a specific topic. Upon request, the chatbot can also create AI-generated images.

3. Google Bard

7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

Google Bard is Google’s conversational chatbot and AI assistant, which is built on the PaLM2 LLM. The user interface is simple and easy to use: enter a question via text or voice and Bard can respond with text, images and videos based on content from Google Search.

Bard responds to each question with three suggested answers, which you can choose from to get the most comprehensive answer for your needs. It’s also connected to the Internet, so you can use it to summarize other online content and current events.

The chatbot’s integration with Adobe Firefly also means it can be used to create AI-generated images.

4. Jasper

7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

Jasper is an AI-powered copywriting assistant that uses its own AI model, along with third-party models like GPT-3, to help users create brand-conscious content.

This chatbot is specifically designed to generate text that mimics a brand’s tone of voice, allowing users to create marketing materials such as web pages, emails, advertisements, sales ads and blogs.

You can create new documents or use existing templates by entering a written command, to which the assistant will respond with text output. You can shape the response to the output by entering a content description or briefing and providing details about your tone of voice and which keywords you want to use.

The main difference between Jasper and other tools, such as ChatGPT and Bard, is that it focuses on producing marketing content rather than conversational text output.

5. Dall-E 2

7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

DALL-E 2 is an AI tool released in 2021 by Open AI that applies GPT-3 anddeep learning to convert text prompts into images. Create an account on OpenAI’s website, enter a prompt in the search bar, and DALL-E 2 will generate an image instantly.

If the design is not quite to your liking, you can choose other variations. Once you find the design you like, you can share and save it.

The quality of the image largely depends on the depth of your original clue. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide detailed instructions so that DALL-E 2 can process them optimally.

DALL-E 2 is loved for image generation because of its ease of use, unlike more complex tools like Midjourney.

6. Quillbot

7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

Quillbot is an AI assistant that uses natural language processing to process and paraphrase a text. The user simply enters a piece of text into an input field on the Quillbot AI website, after which the chatbot checks the content for grammar and makes suggestions to improve the text.

Users can choose between paraphrasing text, summarizing written content, checking grammar and generating quotes, depending on their needs.

Quillbot is a useful tool for both personal and commercial purposes, ideal for producing and proofreading fluent and easy-to-read content.

7. AI Paraphraser

7 Free Generative AI Tools That Are Great for Beginners

Originality.AI has just developed a new AI paraphraser that generates 100% original content, and it’s available for anyone to use without needing to sign up or provide a credit card! You can test it out yourself here: AI Paraphraser.

This tool is ideal for digital marketers and web publishers looking to enhance their SEO efforts. It produces unique content every time, ensuring your material stands out and ranks well. Try it now and see the difference in your content quality and originality! Plus, it’s completely free and user-friendly. Experience the ease of creating high-quality content effortlessly. Boost your online presence with this innovative AI tool!


Experimenting with these tools will inspire you to discover new ways to leverage AI and optimize your professional workflows. The final results will depend greatly on the detail of the information you enter in the original instructions.

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.