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Top 15 countries by GDP and GDP per capita in 2024

6 min read

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the most important indicators of a country’s economic health. It represents the total financial value of goods and services produced over a specific period, usually a year. In 2024, the economic ranking is once again shifting, with some countries rising and others falling.

Top 15 countries by GDP

Below is an overview of the 15 largest economies in the world by GDP in 2024.

  1. United States of America (USA)
    • The United States remains the largest economy in the world, with a GDP reaching $26 trillion. The USA benefits from a highly developed technology sector, a strong financial market, and innovations in healthcare. Silicon Valley continues to be the center of technological advancement, with companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google leading globally. Wall Street, the center of the financial world, attracts investments from around the globe. The energy sector also plays a significant role, with the USA being one of the largest producers of oil and natural gas.
  2. China
    • China continues its economic growth, with a GDP reaching $20 trillion. Shanghai and Beijing are financial sector hubs, while technological hubs like Shenzhen become home to innovative companies like Huawei and Tencent. The Chinese government also invests in the Belt and Road Initiative, enhancing its economic influence worldwide.
  3. Japan
    • Japan, with a GDP of $5 trillion, is the third-largest economy in the world. The country is known for its technological innovations and strong automotive industry. Tokyo is the financial and business center, while cities like Osaka and Nagoya are key industrial areas. Japan also invests in research and development, supporting its leadership in technology and electronics sectors.
  4. Germany
    • Germany, with a GDP of $4.5 trillion, is the largest economy in Europe. Key sectors include the automotive industry, engineering, and chemical industry. Cities like Frankfurt are financial centers, while Stuttgart and Munich are home to automotive giants like BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Germany also invests in renewable energy, supporting its leadership in green technologies.
  5. India
    • India, with a GDP of $3.5 trillion, is one of the fastest-growing economies. Strong sectors include information technology, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals. Bangalore is known as the Silicon Valley of India, while cities like Mumbai and Delhi are financial centers. India also benefits from a large and young workforce, supporting its economic growth.
  6. United Kingdom
    • The United Kingdom, with a GDP of $3.2 trillion, is recovering from the impacts of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. London remains one of the world’s leading financial centers, while other cities like Manchester and Birmingham are important industrial and commercial hubs. The UK also invests in technology and innovation, supporting its economic growth.
  7. France
    • France, with a GDP of $3 trillion, has a diversified economy with significant sectors like the automotive industry, aerospace, and luxury goods. Paris is the main financial center and home to many leading fashion and cosmetic brands. France also invests in renewable energy and green technologies.
  8. Brazil
    • Brazil, with a GDP of $2.2 trillion, is the largest economy in South America. The country has rich natural resources and a strong agricultural sector. São Paulo is the financial and business center, while Rio de Janeiro is a major tourist and cultural center. Brazil also invests in infrastructure and energy, supporting its economic growth.
  9. Italy
    • Italy, with a GDP of $2.1 trillion, has a strong industrial sector, particularly in the automotive industry and luxury goods manufacturing. Milan is the financial and fashion center, while cities like Turin and Bologna are important industrial hubs. Italy also benefits from tourism, supporting its economy.
  10. Canada
    • Canada, with a GDP of $2 trillion, benefits from its rich natural resources, strong financial sector, and technology industry. Toronto is the financial center, while cities like Vancouver and Calgary are major commercial and industrial hubs. Canada also invests in green technologies and renewable energy.
  11. South Korea
    • South Korea, with a GDP of $1.8 trillion, is a major player in electronics, automotive, and shipbuilding industries. Seoul is the financial and technological center, while cities like Busan and Incheon are important port and industrial centers. South Korea also invests in research and development, supporting its economic growth.
  12. Russia
    • Russia, with a GDP of $1.7 trillion, is heavily reliant on the export of energy resources, particularly oil and natural gas. Moscow is the financial and business center, while cities like St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk are important industrial hubs. Russia also invests in infrastructure and the military industry.
  13. Australia
    • Australia, with a GDP of $1.6 trillion, benefits from rich natural resources, particularly in mining and agriculture. Sydney is the financial center, while cities like Melbourne and Perth are major commercial and industrial hubs. Australia also invests in green technologies and renewable energy.
  14. Spain
    • Spain, with a GDP of $1.4 trillion, has a diversified economy with significant sectors like tourism, automotive, and agriculture. Madrid is the financial and business center, while Barcelona is an important industrial and cultural hub. Spain also benefits from its rich history and cultural heritage, supporting tourism.
  15. Mexico
    • Mexico, with a GDP of $1.3 trillion, has a strong manufacturing sector, particularly in automotive and electronics, and benefits from its proximity to the United States. Mexico City is the financial and business center, while cities like Monterrey and Guadalajara are important industrial hubs. Mexico also invests in infrastructure and energy.

Top 10 Countries by GDP per Capita in 2024

GDP per capita is an important indicator that helps compare living standards between different countries. This indicator takes into account the total GDP of a country divided by the population, providing a better idea of the economic prosperity of individual citizens. Below is an overview of the ten countries with the highest GDP per capita in 2024.

  1. Luxembourg
    • GDP per capita: $135,000
    • A small country with a developed financial sector and high standard of living. Luxembourg benefits from a favorable geographical location and stable political environment.
  2. Switzerland
    • GDP per capita: $95,000
    • A strong economy based on finance, pharmaceuticals, and high-tech. Switzerland is known for its banking system and high living standards.
  3. Norway
    • GDP per capita: $90,000
    • Rich in oil and natural gas, with a high standard of living and strong social security. Norway also invests in renewable energy and green technologies.
  4. Ireland
    • GDP per capita: $85,000
    • Economic growth supported by technology and pharmaceuticals. Ireland attracts foreign investment due to low taxes and a favorable business environment.
  5. Qatar
    • GDP per capita: $80,000
    • Rich reserves of natural gas and oil, with high income per capita. Qatar invests in infrastructure and sports projects, such as hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
  6. Iceland
    • GDP per capita: $75,000
    • A small economy with a focus on fishing, renewable energy, and tourism. Iceland is known for its natural beauty and geothermal energy.
  7. Singapore
    • GDP per capita: $70,000
    • A strong financial sector, trade hub, and technology center. Singapore is one of the world’s largest ports and attracts foreign investment due to a stable political environment and favorable geographical location.
  8. United States of America (USA)
    • GDP per capita: $68,000
    • A diversified economy with high productivity and innovation. The USA benefits from technological innovations and a strong financial sector.
  9. Denmark
    • GDP per capita: $65,000
    • A strong welfare state with a focus on technology and green energy. Denmark invests in renewable energy and has a high quality of life.
  10. Australia
    • GDP per capita: $63,000
    • Rich in natural resources, with a developed financial and technology sector. Australia benefits from rich natural resources and invests in green technologies.

Economic Trends and Outlooks

The global economic development in 2024 is influenced by a variety of factors, including political events, technological innovations, and environmental changes. Key trends include:

  • Technological Progress: Technological innovations, especially in artificial intelligence and renewable energy, play a key role in the economic growth of many countries.
  • Globalization and Trade Relations: Despite some steps towards protectionism, globalization remains a significant factor influencing economic development. International trade and investment remain important drivers of growth.
  • Demographic Changes: The aging population in many developed countries emphasizes the need for pension system and healthcare reforms, while young populations in developing countries bring growth potential.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability and combating climate change influences energy policies and investments in green technologies.
  • Political Stability: Political stability and effective governance are crucial for economic development. Countries with high levels of corruption or political unrest face greater economic challenges.


The global economy in 2024 faces many challenges but also opportunities. The largest economies in the world, such as the USA, China, and Japan, continue to dominate the global economic environment, while smaller countries with high GDP per capita, such as Luxembourg or Switzerland, show the way to high living standards and economic prosperity. Technological innovations, globalization, demographic changes, environmental sustainability, and political stability will continue to shape economic development in the coming years.

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.