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Day Trading the NASDAQ

2 min read


Day trading the NASDAQ is one of the most popular ways to make money trading online. It’s the largest stock market in the world and the rewards can be incredible. But it is not easy, you must learn the correct trading techniques and then apply them every time you see the technique setting up. The problem is how do you find a trading technique to apply?

Here’s how you can make money Day Trading the NASDAQ:

  • 1. Do what successful traders do. One of the easiest ways to get started is learn from an expert trader. Do what they do and you will short circuit a learning process that could take years without expert guidance. I’m now going to introduce you to three day trading pros who make their living from Day Trading the Nasdaq.
  • 2. V G. – VG, is a hugely successful Day Trader of NASDAQ stocks, originally from the Ukraine, VG moved to Canada where he taught himself English from the TV and worked out how to make money from the NASDAQ, you won’t want to miss Vlads story about he discovered a method for taking modest, but very regular profits from the NASDAQ that are almost risk free.
  • 3. Mr C and N – These two English guys have cracked the secret trading code. The methods they use have similarities to VG’s in that their trades are very low risk but with enormous profit potential. When it comes to trading knowledge there is not much these guys don’t know.

So just how do they do it? Firstly, they have a method of filtering stocks from the thousands they could be trading. They only want to focus on the ones with maximum profit potential. Stocks in the news, those that are about to report earnings, it’s here that they focus their analysis.

Next, they look for triggers that set off explosive moves. These include observing price patterns that have happened 100’s of times that then result in big day trading moves. They also make full use of the electronic order book, level 2. Here they can see exactly who is buying and who is selling and the price levels that are being defended – when they stop defending these levels it’s time to place these explosive trades.

George Hallmey

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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