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Elon Musk's Evolving View of BTC

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Elon Musk's Evolving View of BTC

Yesterday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk sent shockwaves around the crypto world with his announcement that the EV manufacturer will no longer accept BTC payments, due to concerns over its environmental impact. 

“We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for BTC mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel,” the Tesla CEO said in a tweet, adding that BTC’s recent energy consumption is “insane.”

In his tweet, Musk reaffirmed his faith in cryptocurrencies as a “good thing” and announced that Tesla is looking at other cryptocurrencies that use less than 1% of BTC’s energy per transaction.

Over the last seven years, Musk’s position on BTC has shifted from curiosity to full-scale adoption—making his decision a shock to BTC advocates, many of whom have grown accustomed to having Musk as one of their most influential backers.

Elon Musk’s history with BTC

Musk’s history with BTC goes back as far as March 2014; asked by a Twitter user for his stance on cryptocurrencies, he replied with the elusive statement, “Well, now that Satoshi Nakamoto has been discovered, I guess it is case closed.”

Later that year, at Vanity Fair’s New Establishment Summit, interviewer Walter Isaacson was able to pin Musk down, asking for his opinion on BTC. Musk responded that BTC was “probably a good thing,” with the caveat that “it’s primarily going to be a means of doing illegal transactions.”

He also noted that he didn’t personally hold any BTC.

But it was some time before the Tesla CEO began to seriously pay attention to BTC. In 2017, he took to Twitter to dismiss rumors that he was the inventor of BTC, noting that “A friend sent me part of a BTC a few years, but I don’t know where it is,” and posting the occasional joking reference to the idea that he might be Satoshi Nakamoto. 

In 2019, the first signs of a shift in his position emerged when he appeared on a podcast with tech investment company ARK Invest. He described BTC as “quite brilliant,” adding that “paper money is going away, and crypto is a far better way to transfer value than pieces of paper, that’s for sure.” 

In May 2020, Musk responded to a tweet from Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, saying that, “massive currency issuance by government central banks is making BTC Internet money look solid by comparison.”

A month later, Musk was one of a number of world-famous figures whose identity was borrowed by crypto scammers, the latest in a series of long-running scams. The viral crypto fraud raked in about $2 million in just two months

But that proved to be just a bump in the road, with Musk continuing to voice his support for the flagship cryptocurrency. In December 2020, Musk was at it again. He briefly tweeted that BTC was his “safe word,” before clarifying that he was “just kidding.”

Shortly afterwards, he shared a risqué meme suggesting that he was tempted by the cryptocurrency. 

It marked a turning point in Musk’s view of BTC, as MicroStrategy CEO (and ardent BTC advocate) Michael Saylor replied, telling Musk to convert the $TSLA balance sheet from U.S. dollars to BTC.

Musk responded, asking Saylor if such large transactions were “even possible”, with Saylor offering to “share my playbook with you offline.”

Here’s How Much Elon Musk’s Tweets Influence BTC, Dogecoin Prices

One month later, Musk updated his Twitter bio to “#BTC”, setting in motion a trend that saw famous YouTubers and NFL stars follow the Tesla CEO’s example. A study published by the Blockchain Research Lab showed that Musk’s public musings had pumped the price of BTC up by 18.99%. 

In February 2021, Musk appeared on audio social media platform Clubhouse, and if it wasn’t already clear, he confirmed that he was a BTC supporter. “BTC is a good thing,” he said, adding that he was “late to the party.”

Elon Musk’s Tesla Has Invested $1.5 Billion Into BTC

Later that month, Musk put his money where his mouth was, overseeing Tesla’s $1.5 billion investment into the flagship cryptocurrency. A jubilant Saylor stated that he expected an “avalanche of companies” to follow in Tesla’s footsteps, and, indeed, a number did add BTC to their treasuries, among them magazine publisher TIME, Norwegian multinational Aker ASA and Latin American e-commerce platform Mercado Libre.

By the end of Q1 2021, Tesla’s BTC holdings had swollen to $2.48 billion, with the company divesting itself of $272 million worth of the cryptocurrency during the quarter. Musk took to Twitter once again, to clarify that the automaker had done so “essentially to prove liquidity of BTC as an alternative to holding cash on balance sheet,” and that he personally hadn’t sold any BTC.

At this point, the crypto world had well and truly embraced the Tesla CEO as one of BTC’s biggest influencers. 

But not so fast. Apparently, the only thing more volatile than BTC’s price is Musk’s stance on the cryptocurrency. 

Elon Musk u-turns on BTC

Musk has dealt a potentially fatal blow to his image as one of BTC’s biggest advocates. 

After Musk posted his tweet citing concerns about BTC’s impact on the environment, Bitcoiners who’d previously sung his praises rushed to criticize him—including Saylor, and Anthony Pompliano, who argued that BTC derives 75% of its power from renewable energy.

Jason Deane, BTC analyst at Quantum Economics, told Decrypt that Musk’s thinking is “flawed.” “It is true that BTC uses considerable power, but then so does the dollar—which he is still accepting—and a myriad of other industries including his own manufacturing facilities,” Deane added. 

Flooded Coal Mine Highlights Chinese BTC Miners’ Reliance on Dirty Power

But Musk is right; BTC has a carbon footprint problem. Per Cambridge University, BTC consumes almost 150 terawatt-hours of electricity per year, meaning that if BTC was a country, it would comfortably rank as one of the top 30 countries in the world by electricity consumption. 

The Hard Truth About BTC’s Energy Consumption

Despite claims to the contrary, much of this energy also comes from non-renewable sources. Again per Cambridge University, only 39% of BTC mining energy is renewable. There is disagreement about this figure, though, with crypto asset manager Coinshares placing the figure as high as 77%. 

However, when a flooded coal mine in China shut down last month, BTC’s hash rate dropped to levels not seen since November 2020—indicating that the network is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels such as coal.

What is next for Musk and BTC? 

Speculation is raging about Musk’s sudden volte-face on BTC, coming as it does just three months after Tesla poured $1.5 billion into the cryptocurrency. 

“Tesla’s due diligence would have identified the energy usage issue and determined this was not enough of a risk factor to stop them buying 1bn of the asset late last year,” Luke Sully, CEO of Ledgermatic, told Decrypt

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Musk may have concluded that Tesla cannot produce electric cars with one hand and support an environmentally damaging cryptocurrency with the other; however, per his announcement, the automaker will not divest itself of its BTC holdings.

In any case, with Musk having toppled from his lofty position of influence among the BTC faithful, the notoriously fickle community will be on the hunt for a new celebrity A-list influencer. 

They may not need to look very far. Earlier this week, billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg introduced the world to his goats, Max and BTC.


All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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