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Empowering People to Build and Deploy Decentralized AI Applications with Multiverse™ Developer Ecosystem

2 min read

Empowering People to Build and Deploy Decentralized AI Applications with Multiverse™ Developer Ecosystem

The Multiverse is a machine-learning platform where people can use their own custom tokens and decentralized economic systems to build and deploy decentralized AI applications with ease.

Machine learning artificial intelligence (A.I./ML) will become the most important technological force in society. It’s critical that it is decentralized to allow more people to participate, but no one has succeeded until now.


Cliff Szu, Co-founder of Multiverse Labs

Szu said that, while many people have great ideas on how A.I. could be leveraged as a bias-free community support, 99.9% of people are unable to write A.I./ML code — held back by technical hurdles and insufficient capital. This is where Multiverse comes into play.

Currently, A.I/ML is dominated by a few companies and elite institutions. The tech team of Multiverse Labs is made up of former senior employees at major companies like Google and is well-aware of how fast this technological gap is growing.

Each project (‘planets’) possesses its own product, tokens, decentralized exchange (DEX), economy, and governance model. The rules, worker rights, or economics on a planet project are all initially determined by its founder. The rules are transparent to everyone.

“Each project’s decentralized exchange lets the community stake Multiverse coins and obtain a corresponding amount of the project’s tokens. As a staker, you’re not an investor or shareholder. Project founders can’t spend your coins. However, when you stake in, it changes the project’s exchange rate automatically. If you change your mind, you can always unstake and get a proportion of your coins back, determined by the current DEX exchange rate. Founders have extremely strict controls on their unstaking, spending, and vesting: everything is transparent and hardcoded into the project’s smart contract so you can make informed decisions. We’re lowering the barriers for entry and raising the bar for project quality,” said Szu.

Besides staking, users can also offer advice and feedback to founders, volunteer on philanthropic projects, or start their own project.

Multiverse has received backing from Matrix Partners, Huobi Ventures, KuCoin, Arrington XRP, and Fenbushi Capital.

The post Empowering People to Build and Deploy Decentralized AI Applications with Multiverse™ Developer Ecosystem appeared first on SuperCryptoNews.


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