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Eurex Listing ETC Group’s BTC ETN Futures Product

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Eurex Listing ETC Group’s BTC ETN Futures Product

Europe’s largest derivatives exchange Eurex will list the BTC ETN Futures of crypto-backed asset provider ETC Group on September 13.

This listing is significant as it marks the first time futures contracts are available for investors on a crypto exchange-traded product (ETP) in Europe. 

Randolf Roth, Member of the Eurex Executive Board, remarked how the move would allow a greater number of market participants to trade and hedge BTC. Roth explained this was because it would be treated in the same way as any other derivatives contract. 

New market entrants will likely be drawn to familiar features such as central clearing, netting, and risk management. Additionally, BTC ETN futures will be centrally cleared like other derivatives traded on Eurex. 

ETC Group’s BTCE

The BTC ETN Futures is based on ETC Group’s BTCetc, the ETC Group Physical BTC (BTCE). This launched on Deutsche Börse XETRA in June 2020. Since then, it has listed on multiple European exchanges, and has become the world’s most heavily traded crypto ETP. 

While the new futures contract will be traded in Euros, they will be physically delivered in BTCE. This means they are 100% backed by BTC and can be readily redeemed by any investor for the underlying BTC.

Bradley Duke, CEO of ETC Group, also highlighted the potential of settling the futures contracts through BTCE’s redemption mechanism. The Chief Executive then said that Eurex’s listing of the BTC ETN futures, “firmly establishes BTCE as the benchmark BTC ETP and go-to product for BTC price discovery.”


This listing is just the latest in similar activity from the crypto-backed asset provider. Last week, ETC Group listed its entire portfolio of crypto exchange traded products (ETPs) on Austria’s national stock market. Assets in the portfolio include ETC Group’s Physical BTC ETP (BTCE) and Physical Litecoin ETP (ELTC). These are Vienna’s first listings of a carbon-neutral crypto ETP, and Litecoin-based ETP, respectively. ETC Group is also listing its ETH ETP, ETC Group Physical ETH ETP (ZETH).

According to a recent study by ETC Group, cryptocurrency miners enjoyed a very robust spring. Similar to their offerings, the study analyzed the performance of BTC, ETH and Litecoin. It also provided commentary and analysis on market and technical developments. The research showed that in April, the calculated ARR for fees paid to BTC miners reached $2.986 billion. According to the ETC Group, this eclipsed the revenue of both Shopify ($2.922 billion) and Square ($2.982 billion).

The post Eurex Listing ETC Group’s BTC ETN Futures Product appeared first on BeInCrypto.


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