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Goldman Sachs: BTC Not an 'Investable Asset Class', Dogecoin Ideal for 'Speculation'

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Goldman Sachs: BTC Not an 'Investable Asset Class', Dogecoin Ideal for 'Speculation'

Investment bank Goldman Sachs has said in a report issued earlier this week that cryptocurrencies are not a “viable investment”—despite showing interest in BTC and ETH recently. 

Many cryptocurrency enthusiasts argue that BTC can work as a hedge against inflation because it is scarce: there is a finite supply of BTC while there is a seemingly infinite supply of fiat money like the US dollar. 

But Goldman Sachs thinks differently. The bank said in its report, “Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not in the Eye of the Beholder,” that while some market analysts and investors may consider BTC to be “digital gold,” that itself means next to nothing to Goldman:

“The argument that BTC and cryptocurrencies are a digital version of gold does not confer any value to BTC and other cryptocurrencies, because gold itself is not a consistent or reliable store of value,” the report said, adding that US equities are a far better bet as a hedge against inflation. 

What’s more, the bank isn’t buying the “digital gold” narrative to begin with: “This cohort strongly disagrees with the view that cryptocurrencies like BTC are digital gold,” the report noted. It went on to conclude that it does not believe BTC to be “a long-term store of value or an investable asset class” for diversified portfolios.

But the bank did say that such assets can be “ideal for speculation.” The report equates BTC with Dogecoin, the sixth-most valuable crypto asset by market cap, agreeing with the point of view that cryptocurrencies like DOGE can be traded for “gambling and having fun,” quoting crypto trader Scott Melker. 

Dogecoin, which is up over 12,000% in the past year, is the perfect example of a volatile cryptocurrency. Many argue it has no intrinsic value and its price rapidly changes when people—usually billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk—pump it on Twitter. 

And Goldman Sachs noted that rapid price swings have put potential clients off. “The rapid price appreciation of cryptocurrencies; the media (and Twitter) blitz on BTC, Ether, and even Dogecoin; and the diametrically opposing views of high-profile market participants have confounded many of our clients,” it said. 

Goldman Sachs, one of the biggest investment banks in the world, has shown greater interest in cryptocurrency as of late. Only last year the bank slammed BTC but the firm’s CEO, David Solomon, said in April that he is keeping an eye on the cryptocurrency. And the bank announced in March that it was restarting its crypto trading desk.  

Though the latest report by the consumer and wealth management division of the bank concluded that crypto like BTC is still “not a viable investment” for diversified portfolios—due to the risks involved. The firm lists regulatory risks (such as governments banning trading), environmental concerns and potential cyber attacks as reasons to stay away from cryptocurrency investing. 

“Based on the risk/return characteristics of BTC, and the fact that it does not meet any of the criteria required to be a strategic asset class in a client’s investment portfolio, we do not recommend investing in cryptocurrencies as an asset class,” the report said. 

Goldman Sachs BTC Investment Offering Coming in Q2: Report

But Goldman Sachs is not completely shunning crypto. Just this week news broke that the bank plans to offer options and futures trading in ETH. This is because, according to the firm, it does indeed have clients who are interested in participating in these markets. While Goldman getting into crypto derivatives is good for existing traders, since it helps add liquidity to the market, the move itself isn’t necessarily bullish.

After all, futures contracts allow investors to bet on the price going down just as easily as it going up.

The views and opinions expressed by the author are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice.


All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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