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Parachains on Polkadot Are One Step Closer to Launch

2 min read

Parachains on Polkadot Are One Step Closer to Launch

Kusama, a testnet of sorts for Polkadot, has seen its very first parachain go live soon after Polkadot creator and ETH co-founder Gavin Wood announced that the project is entering the final phase of its mainnet launch.

Parachains refer to different blockchains that connect with Polkadot and run in parallel within one unified network. Each chain enjoys access to key features like a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm and on-chain governance. It’s a key feature of the network and one which will distinguish it from hundreds of other blockchain competitors. And with yesterday’s rollout on Kusama, this feature is one step closer to going live on Polkadot.

Wood shared the news on Twitter yesterday, with deployment details available on Kusama’s block explorer.

Launched last summer, Kusama is Polkadot’s sister network designed to serve as a live testbed for new features before they are fully deployed on Polkadot.

Wood said that despite Polkadot’s “highly decentralized and inclusive staking system,” the network “has so far existed only as a single chain in isolation.”

“With the launch of parachain functionality, this is about to change,” he stated, adding that the final vision of the network is now “about to become reality.” 

The rollout of Kusama’s first parachain follows the release of Polkadot v0.9 earlier this month, which included the requisite logic for deploying parachains to the network. 

Developed by the Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies and launched in May 2020, Polkadot is a proof-of-stake protocol with the ultimate goal of creating an internet of interoperable blockchains


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