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Pay-to-view gives popular users of image and video sharing platform Relica a better chance of making money

2 min read

Do you think you have visual content that people would be willing to pay for? Relica’s image and video sharing application has launched a “pay-to-view” feature that allows creators and influencers to set a price for followers to view their recordings.

Model of pay-to-view platform Relica

Pay-to-view can be set at the account level, which means that all images uploaded by the user without the feature enabled are (and will remain) free for anyone. However, once activated, the images will be invisible until the viewer pays the price set by the creator. This price can be set anywhere from $ 0.01 to $ 100.

Relica has suggested a number of ways to make money on pay-per-view, such as art and music, gifts and discount codes, suggestions for daily exercises, family recipes, exclusive “behind the scenes”, special training, game tips, etc. as well as the usual design and photos. You can also use this feature to send a QR code that links to other content hosted elsewhere.

How to use Relica, an image-sharing application that pays you money

Relica co-founder Daniel Street said in an interview that penetrating the mainstream influencers market is and has always been one of the company’s main goals.

“Currently, we are focused on ensuring that Relica is improved to a certain level, and we are implementing a number of key features before we focus on influencers through marketing campaigns. Currently, our main social channel is Twitter. In the coming months, we will intensify our marketing campaign with other social channels, as we will also start working with influencers. “

Although the application is in many ways similar to Instagram, but there is no way for Instagramers to monetize the images they publish there directly. Some Relica users spend around $ 30-40 per image – even without pay-to-view.

Relica users currently earn approximately $ 0.02 per liked, $ 0.08 for a new follower and $ 0.01 for a comment.

Relica allows users to set their own price depending on the value of their content. Then it’s their imagination how to use it to make more money.

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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