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Redditor has locked the BTC for 100 years

2 min read

As part of an entertaining experiment with the so-called time capsule one of the Reddit users under the nickname Optimal-Dentistador (hereinafter OD) locked capsule with $ 100 BTC in a public library “somewhere in Europe” until 2122.

BTC time capsule

In a post published on the BTC subredit, OD wrote that he had put a public and private key to $ 100 in BTC into the capsule, which now amounts to 0.003 BTC, along with a letter in the envelope.

The place of storage is secret

This time experiment was inspired by a recent event organized by the public library in the city where the OD user lives and which will remain secret at his request.

He stated about the experiment:

“The local library organized an event where you could write a letter, a poem or a diary that will be kept for 100 years. If you also wrote some personal information on the envelope, in 100 years they will try to find some living relatives to whom they would pass the message. “

The OD decided to tell his family about the experiment, but joked that everyone might eventually forget about the whole thing, because who knows what will happen in the coming decades.

What will be the value of 0.003 BTC in 2122?

The community at Reddit quickly noted that while in 2022 0.003 BTC may be a negligible amount, in a hundred years it could be considered a market-moving amount.

OD quickly joked that in today’s world, it’s a bit like finding the amount of money from a Bitfinex hack in a letter. The US Department of Justice recently seized $ 3.6 billion from a hacking related to the Bitfinex crypto exchange.

The result of the experiment remains unknown

Given that the letter will not be opened until 2122, one of the editors noted that it is sad to think that by then each of us will be dead and will not see the result. OD agrees that it’s a fun experiment, but the result is a grim feeling in the end.

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