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Stock Market Investing

3 min read

It’s certainly tough to answers questions about stock market than the usual Hollywood, Bollywood stuff. Stock market carries all gestures- happy, sad, creepy, tensed and what not? To cut short it is a risk cell, where thousands of people invests to fetch better returns but some succeed and some console themselves to try again.

Going in literal terms, a stock market is a place for the trading of derivatives and company stocks, listed on stock exchange. The stock comprises of shares, commodities and so. As earlier said, ‘a risk cell’, this market is full of uncertainties and risks. Risks, to loose the hard earned money. Every investor invests in stock market with a perspective and motive to earn positive better results. The bulls and bears are the situations with which you may make some or loose some. The uprising in stocks is termed as bulls’ situation and vice versa.

As such, stock market investing is not a child’s play. The investing in stocks may be carried as a sideline business by an investor but the amount of knowledge needed to invest cannot be side lined. It demands a fearless, fiery and extensive knowledge to understand moods of the stocks. An intuitive person may succeed once but that does work for all time. All counts is the experience in this field along with the almighty luck. Yes, luck is also an important factor that moves on with an investor.

The stock market always has shocks and news in stock. No one can be sure about what’s next? The pressure of bulls and bears along with the fear of losing money and the predications and tips by the companies always adds spice to the happening world of stock market. One has to be familiar with the dictionary of stock’s world. What I mean is- the stock market has its own words to represent the situations and products. Bulls and bears being the example, one has to work upon the dictionary used in this market. Intraday, future and options (f and o’s) are mere examples of these.

Being aware of the fact that it is a risky affair to invest, thousands of people invest daily in the stock market. To provide assistance there are brokers available who try to get the best possible deal. Brokers are the people who work on percentage basis to fetch the best deal. Very often, the commission is calculated on the money invested. This commission, in turn, is known as brokerage. This amount has to be paid by each investor who does not posses his own pass to trade directly in stock exchange.

Well, only one thing is certain and that is change. Changes are always certain, so does the experienced stock world.. It has moved on to cyber space from the clattered, clumsy stock markets, which looks nonetheless fish markets. The evolution of Internet is the reason for the revolution in stock markets as well as other trading. It got the easy access feature along with the comfort of operating stocks from one’s office or home. The speedy technology acted as a catalyst to break the norms of stock market. It is no more an alien world for people. Rather, it got unearthed and the mysteriousness of this trading place just vanished. Now, people are comfortable trading online and the investors and their investments have increased three-fold. The bulls and bears are no more only confined to the creams rather it has skimmed to the commons.

Moreover, the technological support not only acted as middlemen rather it worked as a magnet which brought thousand of new faces to the stock market. The advances of online brokerages, online trading and online investing further jacked the boom in the stock market investment.

Vijay Kumar Sharma

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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