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The number of BTC investors has tripled

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A recent survey by Gallup found that the number of BTC-owned investors has more than tripled in the last three years. What else is in the survey and what is behind the growing number of cryptocurrency investors?

The dream of all investors

A survey conducted by global analytics and consulting firm Gallup revealed that the number of BTC investors in the United States jumped from 2% in 2018 to 6% by June this year.

The company states that the highest percentage of growth was recorded by BTC investors under the age of 50. Here, even the number of BTC investors has more than tripled, from the original 3% to 13%. In people over the age of 50, the ownership of cryptocurrency was lower.

Gallup also found that men are more than three times more active than women in the cryptocurrency market. Gallup analysts also noted that ownership of BTC can be compared to more mainstream investments. Most people still trust mutual funds or stock indices.

“At 6%, ownership of BTC is more like gold, which 11% of investors say, according to studies.”

Gallup also shows that the perception of the risk associated with Bitcoin decreased over a three-year period. A large proportion of investors no longer consider BTC to be dangerous. The company concluded that the arrival of institutions in the crypt may give the most important cryptocurrency in the world greater credibility.


The popularity of cryptocurrencies is constantly rising, as evidenced by many surveys. The popularity is growing mainly in younger people. However, I dare say that BTC is still at the beginning of its journey to achieve mass adoption. You can find out more about the development of the BTC price in our regular technical analyzes.

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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