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Will we see the identity of the founder of BTC revealed? Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

2 min read


Bitcoin crashed the system
BTC. Source: Shutterstock, Andre Boukreev

If you are a true fan of cryptocurrencies, you probably didn’t miss name Satoshi Nakamoto. It is the name of the undiscovered founder of Bitcoin. When Satoshi decided to start BTC at the end of 2008, he apparently had no idea how he would change this world. His blockchain technology is still considered one of the greatest achievements of all time.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

His identity is still shrouded in mystery and has not yet been revealed. First of all, he is the person who was the first to create a decentralized platform. But what did Nakamoto want to prove? In 2008, the Great Depression culminated. And that’s when BTC appeared on the scene. Until then, one of the main problems of the financial world was the risk of duplicate transactions and the need to verify the payment by a third party. And suddenly BTC appeared on the scene, which managed to solve all these problems. It can verify transactions itself, without the need for authentication by an intermediary.

How did BTC change the world?

As already mentioned in this article, BTC broke down absolutely all the usual rules of the game. He has been able to resist today’s world, which is largely dominated by corporations and banks.StormGain

Virtually all the biggest players in the world of cryptocurrencies have taken an example from BTC. Typical examples may be Binance and ETH. These are the two largest blockchains in the world of cryptocurrencies. ETH was the very first blockchain to essentially copy BTC. Let’s take a look at what the Investopedia portal says:

“ETH was created as a blockchain, which was able to use the technology to maintain a decentralized network. This blockchain is able to store computer code that can be used to power decentralized financial contracts and applications that are resistant to any manipulation. ”

What does Binance offer? Binance, in its original form, served as a coin for the ETH blockchain. That is why this project was often referred to as a copy of ETH. However, it has one major advantage, and that is much lower gas prices.

Will Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity ever be revealed?

If this has not yet happened, it is unlikely that it will ever happen. And the truth is, no wonder. This also indicates the fact that Nakamoto is not interested in fame. His idea remains preserved without the need for media games. Even without revelation, however, he is one of the greatest heroes of the 21st century, who managed to turn their ideas into reality and break down the “perfect” and untouchable system.

Stylometric Analysis: Satoshi Nakamoto

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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