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With Google and Chainlink against natural disasters

2 min read

With Chainlink (LINK) and the Google Cloud, it is now possible to use the daily weather data from 9,000 stations. This enables programmers to set up smart contracts and, for example, offer insurance against natural disasters.

Natural disasters have the devastating potential to devastate entire villages and cities, as we only felt painfully a few weeks ago during the flood disaster, which showed its full extent in the Ahr Valley, for example – at least 191 people died in Germany alone. But it is not only private losses that were recorded, agricultural businesses also suffered enormous losses, some of which wiped out their livelihoods, as a result of the catastrophe. Because of this, the news that programmers can now query weather data (such as the amount of rain or wind speed) using the Google Cloud and Chainlink, which is very up-to-date at this point in time.

Already in 2019 signed Google and Chainlink signed a contract that enables the tech giant to enter data from the blockchain company into the in-house Google Cloud. Now Google has announced an interesting innovation. In the future, a Chainlink adapter will enable developers to use the weather data from around 9,000 US weather stations for smart contracts every day – with a variety of possible applications.

The weather data integrated in the Google Cloud enable a wide range of possible uses. Developers are given the option of using the data for various other applications. Programmers can now, for example, develop insurance programs on the blockchain that use up-to-date data to create risk assessments. Insurance claims can be enforced automatically, efficiently and without a middleman using smart contracts and weather data.

Regardless of the size or regional location of a particular farm, it would be possible to use these specifically developed insurance policies to reduce the financial risks for farms thanks to the Google Cloud and Chainlink.

In the crypto sector, the demand for qualified real-life data continues to rise – a positive development for Chainlink. Not until August 5, 2021 published For example, the Swiss telecommunications company Swisscom received the message that the company would set up its own chainlink node in a pilot project. With this, the Swiss company would like to provide the growing DeFi market with additional data on work.

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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