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XRP and ETH Classic Rise 10% Amid Slight Market Decline

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XRP and ETH Classic Rise 10% Amid Slight Market Decline

XRP and ETH Classic both blew up 10% today, despite a 0.52% drop in the global market capitalization of cryptocurrencies.

XRP commands $59.13 billion of crypto’s $2.10 trillion global market cap, making it the seventh-largest cryptocurrency, according to data aggregator Nomics. It trades at a price of $1.27, having blown up 10.19% overnight. It peaked at $1.32 on Sunday, its highest price since May.

XRP’s rally has been building momentum over the last few days. On Friday it posted a 6% increase and by Saturday morning it had made overnight gains of 11.38%

XRP progenitor Ripple Labs has been locked in a courtroom wrangle against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission since December 22. The SEC alleges that Ripple Labs has been selling XRP in unregistered securities sales. Ripple argues that XRP isn’t a security. 

ETH Classic also grew in value by 10.41% overnight. The ETH fork, which was launched in 2016, currently trades at a price of $70.39. 

ETH Classic maintains an unedited history of the original ETH ledger. It diverged from ETH after the first DAO hack.

DAO stands for ‘decentralized autonomous organization’; each DAO uses smart contracts to mimic the governance of a shareholder-run company. 

In June 2016, security flaws in the original DAO were exploited by attackers in a heist that cost the network $55 million. The ETH network decided to remove the offending transactions but the ETH Classic network kept them on the ledger. 

ETH isn’t sharing in the fortunes of its less illustrious relative today. The second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization fell 2.96% in the past 24 hours to trade at $3,152. 

Meanwhile little has changed for the world’s largest cryptocurrency. BTC continues to trade just under $46,000. The slight market downturn only managed to shave off 1.72% of its value. 

The views and opinions expressed by the author are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice.


All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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