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Not Cryptocurrencies, but 3D Scanning Is the Most Important Key to Expanding the Metaverse

2 min read

3D scanning will be more important than the popularization of cryptocurrencies in the development and expansion of metaverse platforms, according to Guilherme Stella.

According to the founder of TrackFY, a company specialized in digital mapping solutions, only with the improvement of 3D scanning technologies will the metaverse become a real possibility for social change.

“Instead of being used just for fun, the environments of the metaverse will be able to serve, more easily, for the professional connection”, emphasizes Guilherme. “Training, presentations and remote work itself, which has been emphasized with the pandemic, could be on that list.”

According to Stella, it is digital mapping that will allow replicating real elements in the 3D world, something that is already used in Digital Twins projects, for example, to bring more quality and security to different markets.

“Reproducing environments and products in 3D helps anticipate failures and necessary improvements. This is already a practice used by many industries. Something that should only increase”, he emphasizes.

Also according to the specialist, the digitization of people, something that was already happening for the setting of games, can be a broad possibility for the job market, for example, with the construction of “real” avatars, which imitate the physical person.

3D Scanning is the most important key to expanding metaverse

As Stella recalled, Apple itself, known for being a precursor of innovations that will later be absorbed by other markets, is already betting on the metaverse. The company sends data directly from Lidar sensors from 3D scanning to iPads and iPhones. Among other uses, this allows you to unlock smartphones using facial recognition.

For Stella, the Metaverse and all the possibilities that 3D technology offers will be increasingly present in people’s lives and being demanded by them, which increases the interest of companies.

“Increasingly, sensors will be part of our day-to-day and not only in the industrial sphere, but within companies and in moments of fun and exploration of the world”, he concludes.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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