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Dow has experienced the worst week since 2008: Bitcoin keeps on its surface

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Dow has experienced the worst week since 2008: Bitcoin keeps on its surface

Dow Jones dropped by 900 points on Friday to close his worst week in more than a decade. According the CNBC information service, which is interested about investing in commodities, cryptocurrencies and stocks.


Over the week, the US index fell by as much as 17%. From its peak in February, Dow Jones managed to drop by 35%. How will start this week?


Back by decade: CNBC compares cryptocurrencies with other assets


On the other hand, some of the assets were able to shake and avoid the fall experienced by the American index. For example, oil has recovered slightly and the same is true for cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. He managed to get around 25%, but some lucky people could take profits in the form of 40%.


To make matters worse, the US is slowly switching to a state of crisis similar to that prevailing in the European Union. The government of California and the mayor of New York have already strongly advised everyone not to leave their homes. It can be assumed that the bans will soon follow.


The whole drop is putting the heads of economists around the world to the warm . His first candles were certainly due to the virus, but the reaction seems to be excessive to many.

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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