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Aircraft Sales and Finders Fees

2 min read


If you are and aviation enthusiast and you like to hang around the airport and talk about airplanes then perhaps you might consider a side business of becoming an aircraft salesperson collecting a small finders fee. This is not too difficult of a business and it will allow you to spend more time flying and having fun. Plus you’ll get to fly all the airplanes that you are trying to sell for those sellers who are too busy.

As long as you like to hang around the airport you might well consider such a business. The average finders fee can range from two to 3%. So if the aircraft cost $100,000 that your commission would be 2%, which would be $2000 or 3%, which would be $3000. All you would be required to do is introduce the seller to the buyer or the buyer to the seller.

This is one great way to make money at the airport and get to fly all types of airplanes on someone else’s fuel bill. When I was a young man this is how I built flight hours and made money. It was a lot of fun and I would recommend this to anyone. If you are retired and you like to fly, but you do not own an airplane this might be a way to get your butt up in the air rather than sitting on the ground like all the regular people.

The first thing you need to get started is to get some business cards and a notebook or you can make the lists of all the people you know who are selling their airplanes and those you meet who were walking around the ramp looking aircraft windows and at for sale signs. Each time aircraft is sold you still have your list of buyers and even hunt around at other airports for more airplanes to put on your list. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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