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Apple iMac Educative

1 min read


IMac will sell educative Apple New iMac for the education will replace to the model eMac oriented the students, who Apple began to retire gradually the year by the end of The technological company/signature Apple Computer announced that iMac to 899 dollars will begin to sell a version of its personal computer, in an attempt to expand its presence in the educative market. Apple, well-known by its popular reproducer of music and videos iPod, indicated that new iMac will have a LCD of 17 inches.

The company indicated that the computer will count on a new microprocessor of Intel, the greater manufacturer of semiconductors of the world. New iMac for the education will replace the model eMac oriented the students who the company began to retire gradually the last year by the end of. The model iMac includes a screen of 17 inches (43 centimeters of diagonal), a Intel processor Core Duo, a videocamera iSight and a software iLife 2006 to make blogs (daily personal of Internet), podcasts (archives of to be sent sound) and Web sites.

Apple has been offering discounts to students and teachers from beginnings of the decade of 1980 to compete with its rivals IBM, Dell and Hewlett-Packard, among others, by the lucrative market of the educative personal computers. Around a 12 percent of the net sales of Apple of the 2005 they came from the educative market, that include primary and secondary schools, universities and individual buyers.

Jose Luis Valcarcel

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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