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Blockchain Game ALICE Outperforms BTC

1 min read

My Neighbour Alice

Many of us in our 40s would remember our childhood days, the days of the Apple II and the clickety keyboard which is part of a PC ensemble. Many times, we are “forced” to upgrade our graphics cards and sound cards just to keep up with the ever evolving requirements to play our favourite games.

Indeed, games have always been the pied-piper leading the masses into the technology world.

The time has arrived for blockchain based games to take the leadership role and create a beachhead in the mass adoption theme.

My Neighbor Alice, is one of the latest of such games to win the hearts of males and females alike. It looks similar to a builder type game (like Farm Story) except that it is a massive multiplayer game which incorporates blockchain technology. Players will be able to buy land (represented by an NFT) with ALICE token (currently trading on Binance). ALICE token can also be used for trading in-game items.

The best part about My Neighbor Alice is that it is currently on the leading Steam platform’s wish list. Steam is expected to launch the game in 1Q 2022.

MNA is developed by Antler Interactive, an experienced game development studio. 

Check out My Neighbor Alice today.

The post Blockchain Game ALICE Outperforms BTC appeared first on SuperCryptoNews.


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