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BTC will surpass the fiat currency by 2050

2 min read

A survey conducted by Finder among fintech specialists revealed that most expect it BTC by 2050 it will surpass the fiat currency.

Averaging participants’ predictions, the panel as a whole predicts that the price of BTC could be around $ 66,000 by the end of 2021 and over $ 318,000 by the end of 2025, and is expected to fall to around 25,000 in the short term.

By 2030, the average was $ 4.3 million, but excluding a single incredibly bullish prediction of $ 100 million by RealFevr boss Pedro Febrer, the average would be around $ 1.4 million.

For 55% of participants, it would now be time to buy BTC, while 38% said it was time to hold and 7% said it was time to sell.

Hyperbitcoinization: When will BTC surpass the fiat currency?

The most interesting statistic is certainly that 54% of respondents who expect the onset of hyperbitcoinization by 2050, while 29% state that this will happen before 2035.

Hyperbitcoinization in this case means overcoming the classic fiat currencies with BTC as the dominant form of global financing. For example, according to Thomson Reuters technologist Joseph Raczynski, BTC will outperform fiat by 2025 and will be worth $ 150,000.

He stated:

“Some countries will use BTC as their primary currency. Thanks to the tight circulation and easy transfer, it will serve them well to switch to the “bankless” model inherent in this ecosystem. “

In contrast, among the 44% who do not expect BTC to become the dominant form of global finance, for example, Associate Professor Lee Smales of the University of Western Australia has said:

“I think BTC (and many other cryptocurrency assets) will eventually lose to the central bank’s digital currencies – many of which will be active by the end of this decade.”

According to Arcane analyst Crypto Vetle Lunde, BTC could reach $ 120,000 by the end of the year, because we are already in the middle of BTC’s institutionalization and this trend could continue. But for example, Brighton Business School lecturer Paul Levy said. that BTC will be worth $ 30,000 by the end of the year and believes there will be a steady increase by 2030.

By contrast, Coteries Corporation founder David Klinger thinks BTC will rise to $ 50,000 by the end of the year, but will fall to $ 5,000 by 2030, mainly for environmental reasons. He also believes that BTC should switch to Proof-of-Stake.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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