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Buterin is very concerned about Dorsey and Zuckerberg’s projects

2 min read

In recent days and weeks, Vitalik Buterin has most likely been extremely busy, as an important London hard-fork has taken place. And among other things, we are getting closer and closer to the launch of ETH 2.0 and especially the transition to proof-of-stake.

Buterin does not hide concerns

The founder of ETH expressed due concern in a recent interview, where he clearly defined the dangers to the crypto industry posed by the plans of Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. The two gentlemen have a common dream concerning ETH’s biggest competitor, Bitcoin.

What is it about?

In addition to Twitter, Jack Dorsey also runs the popular company Square. Its main goal is to create a business unit called TBD, whose main task will be to build an open development platform. What did they achieve? Financial services will be even more decentralized than before, without additional permits and connections to BTC.

On the other hand, we have Mark Zuckerberg, who sees the future of Facebook in the so-called “Metaverse” sphere. Among other things, the head of the social network is ready to run the cryptocurrency Diem. This project is of great concern, especially from global regulators.

Buterin Vs. Dorsey and Zuckerberg

According to Buterin, Dorsey would have to create a completely new system that could provide capacity for Bitcoin. It will simply not be possible to perform these tasks. Buterin states that there is native functionality on the Ethereum network through which investors can invest ETH-based assets directly into smart contracts.

Returning to the head of Facebook, Buterin remarked that it was Zuckerberg who was involved in a controlled cryptocurrency project supported by FB himself.

“There is a negligible level of distrust of FB. However, building your own platform can have the opposite effect. Rather, it is better to build the foundations on an existing blockchain. “Bitcoin Group

According to the survey, the fastest adoption of cryptocurrencies is taking place in these countries

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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