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ChatGPT now speaks with a human voice

2 min read

The announcement came yesterday, but instead of a new search engine, OpenAI presented a new version of its chatbot.

ChatGPT now speaks with a human voice

No search engine, but many new features

Speculations about a possible competitor for Google have been increasing recently, but the inventor of ChatGPT showed the new features of its artificial intelligence (AI) yesterday.

These include not only communication in human language, but also other sensational functions. These include translation between different languages ​​and processing visual information from a smartphone’s camera. At the same time, some of the AI’s premium features are now free.

The so-called Spring Update for ChatGPT also presented the name of the new version, which is GPT-4o. This means that users can not only use the AI ​​on their smartphones, but also chat in real time and create graphics with ChatGPT. The AI ​​should even be able to recognize emotions.

Premium features are free

In just a few weeks, the time will come. Then the premium features, such as creating images, data analysis and real-time access to ChatGPT, will be included in the free version of the AI. These functions were previously only available to paying customers. Even the feature that allows you to create a personalized chatbot will be free.

But the successor can do a lot more. GPT-4o is much faster than before and reacts in real time when you communicate with it using the voice function. It is even possible to interrupt the AI ​​if you want to change the request. GPT-4o recognizes the emotional state of its users based on voice and breathing and reacts accordingly.

ChatGPT: AI as an assistant

The AI ​​can analyze photos, screenshots and documents, and this also applies to videos. In order to be able to use these functions effectively in everyday life, ChatGPT will soon have a desktop app that users can use like a personal assistant. This can also be helpful when communicating in foreign languages. ChatGPT translates foreign languages ​​in real time and should be able to remember users and adapt its tone to them.

Given this wealth of new features, the question arises as to what else you should pay for in ChatGPT? The paid version has 5 times more capacity than the free version. OpenAI wants to bring its technology to people as quickly and as widely as possible. AI is already omnipresent in the business world. Even new meme coins like Wiener AI are dedicated to the topic. Dealing with it should find its place in everyday life.

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