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Crypto News of the Day (7.2) | Cryptocurrency Mining in China and Miners Production Limited • US Navy and Air Force Investing in Blockchain • and more

3 min read
Crypto News of the Day (7.2) | Cryptocurrency Mining in China and Miners Production Limited • US Navy and Air Force Investing in Blockchain • and more

Here you can find an overview of the most important crypto events in the last 24 hours.



Bitcoin has surpassed $ 9,800 and markets are waiting to break the $ 10,000 mark. Meanwhile, it has been growing slightly, by 1.42% in the last 24 hours. Altcoins are also more or less growing, driven by the market leader. Analysts are beginning to agree that the growth is also driven by panic in Asian markets, expected outages of production capacities and distribution, and some call the coronavirus epidemic a so-called black swan, an event that has a large impact but cannot be predicted in advance.


You can monitor the current cryptocurrency prices – here.








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Blockchain / Technolgy



Ripple again moves nearly 150 billion XRP


After the Ripple took out 90000,000 XPPs from safekeeping and transferring it to a company-owned wallet, Ripple did the same with an additional 100,000,000 XRPs. This brings the amount available to Ripple for sale this month, the usual total of XRP 1,000,000,000 at an estimated value of $ 281.6 million.



ETH shot up after crossing $ 1 billion in DeFi


ETH prices are rising again today, reaching more than 4 months high, according to, Ethereum reached USD 220 a few hours ago. Since yesterday’s breaking of the $ 200 barrier, Ethereum has decided to add an additional 8% per day, outperforming most other cryptoactives.


Cryptomining in China and miners production are limited less than 100 days before halving


Given the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in China, the government has taken a number of vigorous measures to keep the situation under control. Businesses are affected across the country. Thanks to the existing quarantine control, people cannot return to their work. This also applies to mining farms that were forced to stop work. Miner manufacturers also have problems. Bitmain and Canaan Creative are the major mineral producers in China. Bitmain produces 66% of the world’s cryptocurrency hardware. Companies such as Bitmain, Canaan and MicroBT have posted on their web sites notifications of delays in their services and products until February 10 due to the presence of a virus.


Japan wants its own cryptocurrency because of concerns about the Chinese


Japan feels the pressure of the Chinese authorities, which wants to hurry with the digital yuan. According to a report on February 7, the country’s top lawmakers are calling on the government to seek to include digital currencies in the G7 program this year.


US Navy invested $ 9.5 million in a blockchain communications system


US Navy invested $ 9.5 million to launch the Simba Chain in the development and implementation of an encrypted blockchain-based messaging system. Obviously, this is a continuation of the previous contract where Simba Chain built and tested this blockchain-based communication system for the Ministry of Defense. The platform is expected to be operational by 2020. Specifically, this blockchain-based communication system is built on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and will enable secure data exchange for ground and water operations. Blockchain technology is known to be immutable and cryptographically secure, making it an ideal technology for encrypting sensitive military communications.


US Air Force is working with a blockchain startup to protect weapons data


The US Air Force is now working with a blockchain data management company to share information safely and quickly with other military departments. Blockchain startup Fluree today announced that the US Air Force will use their decentralized database to track how information is entering the system and who has access to it. This will make it easier for the Air Force to share information with other military units – both within the US Army and with its allies abroad.



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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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