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Crypto Valley in triple digit growth mode

2 min read

Europe’s crypto hub in the Alps is reporting with the Top 50 Report by CV VC (Crypto Valley Venture Capital) in association with PwC to word.

At the latest since the Swiss canton of Zug announced in 2016 that it wanted to accept BTC as a means of payment for selected services, the region established itself as a true crypto magnet, pulling other areas of the country and Liechtenstein into the decentralized rabbit hole.

However, the Swiss equivalent of California’s Silicon Valley presents itself in the current report as much more than just a metropolitan area for crypto enthusiasts. “Crypto Valley isn’t just a ‘place’, it’s a mindset. A mindset driven by determination, the way the world interacts and transacts,” explains Mathias Ruch, Founder and CEO of CV VC. The managing director also says that it is exciting “to be part of the Swiss industry with a value of over half a trillion US dollars” and in the same context also refers to the 14 unicorns that Crypto Valley is now home to.

The numbers speak for themselves

According to the report, the top 50 companies surveyed in Crypto Valley achieved a combined value of more than $600 billion. This means that the conglomerate of companies and start-ups has increased by more than 450 percent year-on-year.

The total number of companies in the crypto paradise is now 1,128 (including Liechtenstein) – an increase of almost 20 percent year-on-year.

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The chart shows that the North in particular is home to the country’s crypto epicenter. More than half of the Crypto Valley companies are located in the canton of Zug.

Among the unicorns located in the region are projects such as ETH, Solana, Cardano and the Web3 Foundation.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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