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Donald Trump wants to ensure that the future of Bitcoin is made in the USA

2 min read

The crypto market has been on a steep upward trend for quite some time, but the future of digital currencies is still uncertain. Bitcoin is now classified as a commodity in the USA, but the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been fighting for years to classify most altcoins as securities and to regulate the market more strictly. US President Joe Biden is also not exactly known for his open attitude towards Bitcoin. However, former President Donald Trump is taking a different path. If it were up to him, the USA should become more crypto-friendly and help shape the future of Bitcoin.

Donald Trump wants to ensure that the future of Bitcoin is made in the USA

“I’m keeping Elizabeth Warren away from your Bitcoin”

Senator Elizabeth Warren is pushing for strict crypto regulatory measures in the US, and she is not alone in this. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under Gary Gensler also regularly advocates for stricter regulation and monitoring of the market, and the Biden administration recently asked Bitcoin miners across the country to disclose their energy consumption figures so that action can be taken. There will be no such thing under Trump. During the election campaign, he promised that he would keep Elizabeth Warren away from Americans’ Bitcoin.

Donald Trump wants to ensure that the future of Bitcoin is made in the USA

Trump speaks of 50 million Americans who own cryptocurrencies and he will certainly not make their lives any more difficult. The former president, who is running for re-election this year, has already spoken out in favor of cryptocurrencies in the past and is also accepting Bitcoin and Co. for his election campaign. Trump has also long caused a stir by publishing his own NFTs, so it is no secret that he will not necessarily support bans.


Another promise that Trump is making to his voters is that there will be no CBDCs under his rule. These are the controversial central bank digital currencies (Central Bank Digital Currencies), such as the digital dollar or the digital euro. In both the US and Europe, most people are against CBDCs because they are seen as the last step towards complete surveillance and many fear their privacy if every euro or dollar they spend can be digitally tracked. In any case, there will be no CBDCs in the US under Trump.

Donald Trump wants to ensure that the future of Bitcoin is made in the USA

Of course, many things are promised during the election campaign that are not implemented or not fully implemented in the end, but Trump’s attitude towards cryptocurrencies and CBDCs is unlikely to change any time soon. It is therefore quite safe to assume that it would be bullish for the entire crypto market if Trump wins the election this year.




All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.