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ETH Mining Pool: Optimum profitability in 2021

7 min read

The rise in ETH mining has continued to grow, and it is not so difficult to know why. The world is changing, and also a need for the digital world to do the same. The expansion of cryptocurrency mining is only what many ‘game changers’ have naturally seen as one of the very many ways to make a profit.

Investment in some startups and blockchain technology has experienced an enormous boom over the years. Some financial experts have termed this the ‘next big thing’ in the world’s trading and financial sector.

There is a well-built ETH network that has enabled many projects, startups, and even some other cryptocurrencies to depend on it.

Miners enjoy optimum profitability on ETH, and it is relatively easy to mine. They also make certain transactions between users are authenticated and included in the public ledger of the blockchain.

Here, we’ll be taking you through ETH mining pools and what a mining pool means. We also guide you through choosing an ETH mining pool and what is needed in mining ETH.

What are ETH mining pools

The ETH mining pools are resource areas that are shared and distributed accordingly between miners. Pools came into existence when mining done on an individual basis became almost impossible and very difficult to profit from a block as a rogue miner.

A mining pool is referred to as a system where miners maximize the pooling of resources by sharing a processing power within a particular network and evenly distributing their reward according to the level of work imputed into the feasibility of finding a block. 

As a member of this kind of pool, you’ll need to present a sound and authentic partial proof-of-work (POW) before you can be awarded your “share.”

When you are a part of the process of mining ETH, you’ll get the ETH digital currency known as the ETH as your mining block reward, alongside the associated transaction fee.

ETH GU Mining Rig

If you consider mining ETH, there is the need to get the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU). When choosing a GPU, consider knowing the amount of the exact ETH mining hardware itself, alongside the power consumption rate that comes with it.

Mining ETH via the rig has different features, including graphics cards, a motherboard, a cooling system, and a power supply.

An ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) miner is also expensive but more popular when considering BTC mining operations. This miner functions at the highest level of mining with multiple unique features to serve you to the premium. 

A huge factor to consider in the crypto mining of any crypto currency is speed. In terms of cryptocurrency mining, miners need to function faster to solve questions and get the mining reward ahead of other competitors.

Meanwhile, some miners decided to put an ETH mining rig, which is comprised of various GPU units. 

Ethereum Mining Pool: Optimum profitability in 2021 1

ETH Wallet

Your ETH wallet is regarded as the window which allows you to gain easy access to your ETH account – your transaction history, balance, and amongst other things. It is that app that helps you connect to any devolved or decentralized application via your ETH account.

Wallets generally offer more than just showing transaction histories and balances or sending and receiving funds. Since your wallet is that tool that assists you in managing your ETH account, you can decide to change wallet address and providers at any time you deem necessary.

Joining a mining pool

By joining a mining pool, you become an ETH miner who can focus on pooling your arithmetic and calculative powers with other ETH miners to help brighten your chances of bringing a solution to the coding puzzles you encounter while also earning Ether in the process. 

When you join a BTC mining pool, it facilitates the mining process as the mining operation becomes better and faster. Being a part of this kind of pool has proven to be more lucrative than when you go into solo mining.

Installing Ethminer

Once a connection is established between your node and the ETH network, ensure you install the mining software known as ETH miner used in ETH mining. This is positioned like a mediator between your mining pool and the hardware itself. 

ETH (ETH) is undoubtedly one of the rapidly-growing digital assets in terms of market value. But asides from online trading, cloud mining is another avenue where money can be made through the digital coin. 

Software Installation

After buying the mining hardware you intend to use, the next step is to ensure the installation of the required software carefully. 

You can then download the ETH blockchain before also ensuring your node is linked to the network. You are advised to use Geth due to its versatility.

Following the software installation, every other node will have your node connected to them and the network. This enables you to commence mining, build devolved apps, employ your sharp contracts, and make transactions.

Other factors to consider when mining ETH include weather conditions, equipment cost, and mining farm location.

How to choose an ETH mining pool

Pool size

Mining pools have varying numbers of members. While some pools have shown overtime to possess several relatively few members, others possess a lot of members. 

It is suggested for starters or amateurs to join big cryptocurrency mining pools. There is no certainty of making huge profits right away, but there is the assurance of getting rewards occasionally.

Pool fees

Due to the expensive nature of operations, every pool collects what is known as a mining fee from miners. These payments are made based on a percentage or quota allocation. As a member of a mining chain, you need to pay attention to the computing power of payouts and the fee structure.

While some pools charge nominal fees to their members, others do not charge any fee whatsoever.

Minimum payouts

This is known as the smallest amount required to mine before being given your rewards. If you want to get rewarded regularly, you need to join mining pools that feature small minimum payouts. 

Meanwhile, there are different types of payouts which are: PPS, PPLNS, and PPS+.

Ethereum Mining Pool: Optimum profitability in 2021 2

PPS (Pay Per Share)

The PPS, also called the Pay Per Share is a payment mode that helps the miners sell the hash rate to the pool and then acquire fixed income. The fee is relatively above in the Pay Per Share mode because of the specific risks that are born.

The pool has some task answers submitted to it by its miners, and they are referred to as “Shares.” Calculation of profit is done based on the amount of shares miners submit in the PPS mode.

For example, the hashrate of a miner is 1T, the rate in the entire pool mining process is 100T, and the sum-up of the rate in the network is 1000T according to its hash power. 

PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Share)

In this system, profits are allocated according to the number of shares contributed by miners. This method is closely associated with the block mined out. If the pool digs out several blocks in a day, then there is a high profitability level by the miners; if the pool finds it impossible to mine a block during the day, the miners’ profitability level becomes zero, and there will be no payout.

In summary, the PPLNS mode is strongly linked to the pool’s luck. It is essential for miners joining a new PPLNS pool for mining to know that the ability to make profits via crypto coins within the first few hours is relatively low. This is due to the contribution of other ETH miners who possess a lot of shares in this pool. 

PPS+ (Pay Per Share + Pay Per Last N Share)

The PPS+ is simply a combination of both the PPS and the PPLNS, which means the block reward is resolved within the PPS mode standards, while the mining service transaction/charge fee is settled per the PPLNS mode. 

In concise terms, this mode ensures the miner can acquire the part income of the transaction fee formulated on the PPLNS payment method.

Best ETH mining pools


This ETH pool has incredible mining power. Dwarfpool, regarded as a former market leader, charges a 1% fee on its block rewards.

Interestingly, the pool pays out six times daily, although your account balance must reach 1.01 ETH before a payout can be confirmed.


These two are operated from two separate websites, although they contribute to the same pool. Possessing ~26.8% of the network hashing power, the pool is arguably the largest on the network.

Presently, Ethermine has above 125,000 miners who consistently use the pool software, while Ethpool possesses a little below 1,100. On each reward, both charge a 1% fee.

Ethereum Mining Pool: Optimum profitability in 2021 3


Considered the third largest ETH pool for mining with over 80,000 consistent miners and a network rate of ~14.4%.

The pool fee stands at 1%, which is less than what most competitors charge. The minimum payout threshold is also valued at 0.2 ETH when using the Nanopool and other unique features.

Final thoughts

You can rest assured of making one of the best decisions for joining the claymore ETH pool or other reliable cryptocurrency mining pool. This pool is very reliable.

However, when you consider going into the ETH GPU mining, you need to understand that GPU pricing is excessive and outrageous on a general level, and there are also sometimes Nvidia GPU shortages at intervals. So you need to be readily prepared for changing market situations. This does not take away the awesomeness of mining in any way as to gain a lot from eth mining reward.

Earlier in the year, BTC sprung back and reached a new record high of over $61,000, while ETH largely remained between $1,800 and $1,900. Meanwhile, mining profits upgraded along with those prices. Just recently, BTC sat at around $57,000, but ETH has shot up to an all-time high of $3,800.

Understanding the market structure and the processes involved in mining and the best pool to join for mining are very important. Also, the right ASIC miner and how to get involved in the ETH GPU mining rigs are essential to your ETH mining experience.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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