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IP CCTV – The Next Generation’s Surveillance Technology

3 min read


In today’s fast paced world there is a statement; “the world is watching you every moment”. World is watching every individual that how he performs on the world stage. IP CCTV is the new tool available on this regard which will make the statement true to its meaning. This may sound exaggeration to some but gone are the days when the CCTV cameras are used only in high profile events. Indeed this may be the fact in the days to come.

Internet Protocol Closed Circuit Cameras popularly known as IP CC cameras, as the name suggests, work primarily on Internet Protocol. It means according to certain set standards of IP and streaming continuously using the Internet. Previously NTSC technology has been used in the CCTV cameras which were like our normal television sets. They weren’t as clear as they should be. In today’s scenario, internet is ruling everything. It is a one stop place for every solution. For example, a small scale company which is growing in leaps and bounds. The CEO of the company needs to meet clients on regular basis. In this due course he won’t be able to be at the company. In due course of time, the company’s work goes down. He identifies one of the reasons as when he is not present at the place, no one works sincerely. To keep a check of the situation he installed CC cameras at the office in strategic locations. With the help of some free applications present online, we can monitor continuously by registering our IP address online. It gives a feeling to the employees that you are constantly watching them and observing their work. It’s due to the advent of IP CC cameras.

Internet has brought many changes in today’s existing world. It made the whole world into a small global village. When it is a small global village, internet’s responsibility is to make the place secure. With the advent of IP CC cameras, it can be achieved. CC cameras without internet are really considered to be useless as the information is recorded, but not followed up immediately. For example, a CC camera is installed on traffic platform to check how many people are following traffic rules properly, not crossing the line etc. If Internet is not activated or not connected, these details are checked once in a while and defaulters are not caught immediately. If we have IP working, we can stream those videos directly and find those law breakers immediately.

These cameras are now regular features of any showroom; be it big or small. They are made compulsory by government as to avoid any miscreant’s problems and untowardly incidents. These modern day tools if properly put into use can do wonders in the area of security. Even at small level of our domestic homes, there are cameras of the range where you can install security IP CC cameras and monitor from your mobile phone. These IP CC cameras must be completely used to get maximum benefit out of them.

Emily Robinson

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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