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Miami-Dade Commissioner Wants To Turn County Into BTC Hub

2 min read

Miami-Dade Commissioner Wants To Turn County Into BTC Hub

Miami-Dade County’s commissioner implored attendees of BTC 2021 to move to the region, enticing them with pro-crypto government initiatives, including the potential creation of a campus for the BTC industry.

“Imagine a hub, a campus dedicated to BTC,” said commissioner Danielle Cohen Higgins said. “A BTC valley right here.”

“I’m here to tell you you are already home. We are a community that came from nothing and started something. We support BTC, we support cryptocurrencies, we support your industry!”

She then heaped lavish praise onto her audience to reel them in. “You understand that BTC does not only have game-changing financial implications but also game-changing social implications!” she bellowed. Hops on Miami Hype Train, Moves US Headquarters Away From NYC

Higgins’ dream of a BTC center in Miami may run counter to crypto’s commitment to decentralization. But some companies have already started betting on Miami:, a New York-headquartered crypto company, said on Thursday that it will move its 300-strong business to Miami.

She also pointed out that the NBA franchise—the Miami Heat—is now sponsored by cryptocurrency exchange FTX, co-founded by Sam Bankman-Fried and Gary Wang in 2019. The Heat’s stadium recently became the “FTX Arena” following a 19-year deal that cost $135 million for FTX.

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A few other parts of the country are trying to do the same thing as Miami. Wyoming lured Cardano, Ripple and Kraken with pro-crypto initiatives; Kraken is setting up a crypto bank in the state. However, Higgins said her county’s budget is bigger than 10 states, including Wyoming.

“You understand when it comes to BTC—always buy the dip!” she told her crowd. “And one more thing: to the moon, everyone!”


All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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