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Notarization of videos on Algorand

3 min read

Notarization of videos on Algorand

Through a press release issued by Blockchain Italia and Natlive, today we learn that a partnership has been formed between the two companies to connect the platform with that of Natlive for videos and that this system will use the Algorand blockchain.

Notarization is the process of having a certain file/document registered in an immutable and authentic way, through a series of appropriate tools that attest both the date and the content. As the word itself reminds us, traditionally this operation has always been carried out through a notary.

But the advent of the blockchain introduced and made available to all the so-called timestamping process, i.e. the possibility of recording a certain piece of information in a unique and irreplaceable way (except in extreme problems), and therefore people started to exploit the blockchain to save and/or record certain information on it. In fact, even a simple hash of the document recorded on blockchain is sufficient to make a document authentic, a valence that has also been confirmed by Law Decree 135/2018, converted into law on February 7th, 2019, according to Italian law.‘s platform was created precisely with this function and uses Algorand’s blockchain to record the various pieces of information.

Natlive, on the other hand, deals with video in various areas such as hosting, live channels, streaming events and so on. By partnering with the notarization platform, its videos will be uploaded to this platform so that it has an authentic and certified file.

Pietro Azzara
Pietro Azzara

Why did Algorand choose to notarize videos?

A commitment aimed especially at companies that have not yet approached the blockchain world, as explained by the CEO of Blockchain Italia, Pietro Azzara:

“The partnership with Natlive is a further step forward in Blockchain Italia’s commitment to support companies of all sizes, professionals and the Public Administration in accessing the advantages offered by blockchain technology. We are delighted to have found in Natlive a partner dedicated to innovation and we are certain that the integration with our platform will offer a further advantage to all users of their cutting-edge services”.

It will be the first platform in the world to have such a service and one that leverages the Algorand blockchain, recalled Natlive CEO Fabio Porcellini:

“We are thrilled to announce this new partnership, which will allow the creation of the world’s first multi-service video platform, capable of automatically enabling the notarization on a public blockchain and cloud custody of video recordings of meetings and gatherings, of reports and any related document, equipping them with timestamps, proof of existence and immutability, as well as a certificate of authorship, with issuance of notarization certificate on, which will soon be integrated on other Natlive platforms.”

Notarization is certainly an easy way to approach the world of blockchain. Every blockchain can take advantage of this mechanism, such as the EOS blockchain or that of Zilliqa, demonstrating that it is a fairly well-established practice available to everyone.


The post Notarization of videos on Algorand appeared first on The Cryptonomist.

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