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Singer of metal band Rammstein in conflict with the Russian museum due to the unauthorized sale of the NFT

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Till Lindemann, singer of the German metal band Rammstein, angered Russia’s renowned Hermitage Museum. Tokens are on sale without their authorization.

The singer of band Rammstein sells the NFT of the Russian Museum without permission

Rammstein singer and songwriter Till Lindemann has sold five nonfungible tokens (NFT), the most expensive of which has a price tag of EUR 100,000. Collection NFTill contains a video from his performance of a popular Russian patriotic ballad “Beloved city“, Which was filmed in May.

IN statement published on Facebook, the world-famous Hermitage Museum stressed that the use of the NFT in the collection of tokens marked “Hermitage Edition” “was not and could not be agreed with the museum”. It also stated that a warning had been sent to Mr Lindemann regarding a breach of the museum’s licensing conditions for his NFT project. No response has been received from the German singer yet, and the tokens have already been offered for sale online.

The Hermitage further pointed out that it is probably among the first such institutions in the world to face the unfair use of its exhibits in the field of NFT. It also noted that Mr Lindemann had personally signed a contract with the museum, which clearly stated that the permission to use the images and any other materials from the Hermitage applied exclusively to the music video.

Singer of the Rammstein group in conflict with the Russian museum due to the unauthorized sale of the NFT

In July, the museum announced that it was considering publishing an NFT for works of art from its rich collections and was negotiating the Binance cryptobourse, which launched its NFT market. By the end of this year, Hermitage plans to hold its first art exhibition of nonfungible tokens. Its leadership expects the tokens to bring in additional funding and hopes that the NFT will be exempt from current Russian regulations on digital assets.

Rammstein is a band founded in Berlin in 1994, which became world-famous for its industrial metal and rock music, which produced hits such as “Du Hast”, “Engel” and “America”. Till Lindemann has been writing lyrics and singing songs as the lead singer of Rammstein since its inception.

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