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Town Star announces it will no longer pay anyone to play

2 min read


Town Star, Gala Games’ flagship game and a longtime presence in the blockchain gaming space, is no longer a play-to-earn. That’s because all TOWN rewards for players and operators have ended.

Town Star will no longer pay to play

The developers stated that the TOWN token has become too inflationary. So, as with Axie Infinity, big changes are needed.

It wasn’t long ago that Town Star was announcing new rewards for its players. But now, in a sudden move, they have cut all TOWN rewards for players and node operators.

As one of the oldest games in blockchain gaming, Town Star was built at a time when play-to-earn was still new. So the Town Star economy was an experiment in many ways.

The team hopes to reward node operators in the future and is still recording data on who should be rewarded. And with the new issuances of TOWN tokens there should be an easing of selling pressure.

The team said they are considering introducing a burn mechanic for TOWN, which would allow players to buy special NFTs with TOWN tokens.

Additionally, the developers announced that Town Star is being rebuilt with a new game system called Godot. The game allows the team to implement updates at a faster pace.

There is, however, no timeline on when the Town Star economy might return. But with a game engine change and a major overhaul across the game’s economy, players are hoping there’s a quick fix.

Town Star is a competitive farming game running on the Gala blockchain. Starting with a piece of land and a little money, players build farms, factories, and many other types of buildings, selling excess goods for profit.

Leaderboards track top players and, until recently, received prizes in TOWN tokens, which is now no longer possible.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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