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Using the Best HTML Editor Can Improve Your Google SEO Results

2 min read


Many of you will discount the fact that using the right HTML Editor can have any effect on Google SEO results. Let me explain why we have found that the right HTML Editor can help you in achieving great SEO results. If your HTML code editor does color matching for tags, great, but will it warn you of potential pitfalls or provide automatic suggestion of the right attributes to use in each tag? Probably not. We have found a great HTML editor that has in every way exceeded our expectations and made our life much simpler. We no longer have to worry about W3C validation, as this HTML editor helps us achieve it every time.

Let us explain in detail why the right editor can help. We used to code our web sites in plain text editor, but that was tricky because it did not provide any color coding which certainly can make a programmer’s life much easier. Now before the web editor we currently use, we had to study – memorize where and what attribute could be used for every single HTML element. This of course can be very time consuming and I had never seen an editor that offered correct suggestion every step of the way. We now heavily rely on our current HTML editor not only as a great tool for creating rich web applications but as check for correct syntax.

Up until now the HTML editor market was pretty much the same in that they all offered color coding, but our current solution takes editing a step further in that it offers syntax checking. Also, we can edit pages live with the ftp feature it provides. A great tool for making quick changes as when the page is saved, it is copied through ftp onto our client’s website.

This editor has saved us many hours of troubleshooting in that it helps us write great HTML the first time around, and the more you use it, the more you will write great code every time.

Gabriel Lopez-Seco

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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