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Where Did Computer Terminologies Come From?

3 min read


Desktop, notebooks, netbooks and windows: Do you wonder where these computer terminologies came from? Well, just like any other products in the market, these items have their own histories. You are using these terms in computer parlance but you never had the time to research on why such ideas came to existence. Perhaps, it will be best to look into the history of these computer terminologies.

Basically, computer terms started with the invention of computers. The computers you are using today will not be existent without the presence of loom devices used in cloth weaving. During the 1800’s complex patterns were worked on through these looming devices. These ones were created by Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a French inventor. These operated through the use of holes punched in a card.

Understanding a Computer Terminology – Knowing the History of Computers

During the 1890’s Herman Hollerith made mechanical inventions using punch cards. These gadgets were very important in conducting the US Census from that era. The machine was sold to Computer Tabulating Recording or CTR. This is the company you now know as International Business Machines or IBM.

From punch cards came other computer devices like the digital electronic computers, general-purpose computers, transistors and integrated circuits. This also led to the introduction of microprocessors and microcomputers in the market. With all these developments, more computer terminologies have been coined and are now popularly used worldwide.

Computer Terminology # 1 – Desktop Publishing

Desktops are the very popular computers placed on top of the desk. With this basic definition, the computer term desktop is explained. However, more than this aspect of the desktop, there are yet other things to discover. In fact, desktop may also be a short term for desktop publishing.

Desktop publishing became popular in the middle of the 1980’s. This was the time when publishers found it necessary to update graphic designs and prepress in the world of printing industries. The output was actually a combination of effort of companies like Aldus, Apple Computer, Adobe and Hewlett Packard. Now, the combined technologies of these four companies made it able for publishing industries to make use of the conveniences of desktop publishing.

Computer Terminologies # 2 and # 3 – Notebooks and Netbooks

You must be wondering who started the introduction of notebooks and netbooks in the market. Well, before these computer terms came into being, there were many stages that computers had gone through. In the 1970’s, computers with videos came into the world but it was only in the 1980’s when patrons came to know of its valuable contribution to everyday living.

As early as 1964 however, IBM devised a business computer that dominated the business market. Four years later, the very first computer mouse was introduced. In 1975, IBM manufactured the IBM 5100 for personal computing needs. In 1981, Adam Osborne introduced the very first Portable Computer.

Out of Osborne’s desire to introduce a computer that can be placed under an airplane seat, the portable computer was a huge success. These ones were sold for a hefty price tag of $1,795.

In 1982, the first notebook-sized computer was introduced in the market by Epson in its HX-20 model. Because of its resemblance to the notebook, people started to devise a computer terminology known as the “notebook”. From this important computing device, another computer term is made – the “netbook”. Netbooks were termed as such basically because the gadgets were purposely made to provide mobile Internet access anywhere you go.

Computer Terminology # 4 – Windows

Microsoft Windows is more popularly connoted as “windows” by many users. The company introduced the term in 1983 in its operating systems. MS-DOS was the very first one that made use of the concept. Before the computer terminology was even called windows, there is a brief history attached to it.

In the world of computers where Graphical User Interfaces or GUI’s are popular, the acronym WIMP also came to existence. This was a short term for computer terminologies such as windows, icons, mouse and pointers. Considering that GUI’s were divided into panes, the term “windows” was considered very appropriate.

John C Arkinn

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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