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Axie Infinity announces season 20 with reduced SLP earnings

2 min read


Big economic changes are coming to the popular game Axie Infinity now that the developers have announced the release of Season 20 of the most popular blockchain game right now.

Thus, the developers of Sky Mavis admitted that “the Axie economy requires drastic and decisive action now or we risk total and permanent economic collapse”.

Therefore, through their Substack they highlighted that they have several strategies to boost the game’s economy, which is currently awash in excess SLP.

Thus, Sky Mavis revealed that four times more SLPs are created per day than is spent on creating new axies, so this makes the game’s economy unsustainable in the long run.

“While we have all experienced the euphoria that comes with incredible growth and prosperity, we have also more recently entered a period of economic uncertainty. We all feel this pinch, which has made the last few months difficult for everyone,” the statement said.

So, to deal with this volatility and reduce SLP inflation, the game will end adventure mode (PvE) SLP earnings and daily quest rewards.


So, according to Sky Mavis, “[R]approximately 40% of SLP is created from adventure mode”, and while Daily Quest Rewards encourages users to play every day, the developers admitted that “it has now become a mass issue mechanism for SLP”.

In addition, Sky Mavis will also revamp the Arena Mode (PvP) reward structure.

“This will create more demand for quality Axie teams in the ecosystem,” he said.

So, with the shares, Sky Mavis believes that the value of the SLP will go up and that the new distributions of income could generate up to US$ 6 million in prizes for the players.

So, another strategy for dealing with SLP demand versus supply, the developers will also introduce “fun burning engines and economic sinks” which will include skins, cosmetics, Axie body parts, in-game emojis, and more.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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