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Binance-supported, Pokémon-inspired Metaverse Announces Land Sale

2 min read


The play-to-earn game Binamon, inspired by Pokémon and supported by Binance, announced a land sale in its metaverse.

According to the announcement, landowners will receive passive income from the battles taking place in their territories.

However, no additional information was provided on when the sale of land will actually take place. Nor is it known how much the land will cost.

Sale of land for the Binance Arena

In practice, these lands will be part of the next MOBA game (multiplayer online battle arena) called Binance Arena.

In the game, landowners can collect a portion of the energy from fallen monsters after battles.

As mentioned, there aren’t many details about the game or land sales yet. Website of the project just says:

“Explore a 3-D metaverse to trade, play, upgrade and even explore new planets.”

However, preliminary information states that landowners in Binance Arena will be able to add items of interest to their land, including vital orbs and power-ups. In addition, they will also be able to act in the governance part of the game.

What is Binamon?

Binamon is a metaverse of digital monsters in the form of NFTs built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). In the game, players collect Binamons and can win in three ways.

One of them is staking tokens for passive gains. The second option is receive rewards for the battles fought between the monsters. Finally, it is also possible to earn tokens by advancing in battles by defeating enemies.

The Binamon universe has three tokens, BMON, BNRG and BMON-Z1. The first is the game’s primary digital currency used by players to spawn Genesis monsters and create the BMON-Z1.

Binamon runs a layered system where players can leverage their BMON to access the BOMN-Z1 world, called Planet A-LGC-Z1.

According to the project’s website, the “Binamers” have already won US$ 14,354,123. And, in all, more than 456,000 Binamons have been created.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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