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Donald Trump says cryptocurrencies are dangerous, but praises his wife’s NFT project

2 min read


Shortly after former US First Lady Melania Trump launched her NFT platform on the blockchain Solana, former President Donald Trump has returned to attacking cryptocurrencies.

In a recent interview with Fox Business, Trump claimed that cryptocurrencies are dangerous. Also, he said he never liked BTC and other cryptocurrencies, but he didn’t provide a reasonable justification:

“I never liked it because I like having the dollar. I think the currency should be the dollar. So I was never a big fan. But it is spreading more and more. Nobody is doing anything about it. I don’t want to have all these others (cryptocurrencies). There could be an explosion someday, like we’ve never seen. This will make the big tech explosion look like baby stuff. I think it’s a very dangerous thing.”

In September, Trump also criticized cryptocurrencies and emphasized that investing in them hurts the US dollar.

NFT by Melania Trump

Although Trump seems averse to the crypto universe as a whole, his wife Melania has already chosen her side, something that was supported by Trump.

When Fox Business presenter Maria Bartiromo asked the former president about his wife’s NFT initiative, he said it “will be successful”:

“She’ll do fine. She has a great imagination”, he added.

Melania released her first NFTs, an artwork called “Vision of Melania” by artist Marc-Antoine Coulon, last week. The item went on sale costing 1 SOL. That’s about $180 at the current rate.

Melania also intends to launch other NFTs. In addition, an unspecified amount will supposedly be donated to “help children who are growing up outside the welfare system,” according to its official announcement of the project.

As mentioned, the former First Lady’s NFT was coined into the Solana network, a platform on which anyone can do it.

However, shortly after Melania’s NFT announcement, a Solana Labs representative approached the media to clarify that the platform was not directly involved in the project:

“I wanted to inform you, to avoid any confusion, that the choice to use the Solana blockchain was completely organic. This project is not part of any initiative led by Solana,” the representative told.

MetaMask will launch extension that allows to save NFT

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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