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MetaMask will launch extension that allows to save NFT

2 min read


The MetaMask online wallet recently reached 10 million users. With that, the device intends to enter the market of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). According to a news released on Tuesday, MetaMask plans to release an extension allowing the custody of these tokens.

The 18-second video shows a new MetaMask interface similar to a photo album. Then one of the windows opens, revealing what would be an NFT. The video ends with the phrase “NFTs coming to the app soon”.

In other words, wallet users will be able to save their NFTs directly through the application’s extension. As MetaMask is one of the most used wallets in the world, the extension will make it easier to store NFTs in a safer and more reliable place.

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It’s no surprise that MetaMask is looking to expand and improve the user experience when it comes to NFTs. After all, non-fungible tokens have emerged as one of the biggest trends of 2021.

In addition, NFTs also act as the foundation of another recent fad: games play-to-earn (P2E). Therefore, it is possible that the wallet is also targeting this target audience.

Applicatiom recently announced integration with two hardware Wallet. The first was Lattice1, released in November, while the second (Keystone Wallet) took place last Thursday (16).

The measure is part of the wallet’s efforts to increase the level of security for new users. In fact, the popularization of many tokens helped MetaMask to break records of users. However, this has contributed to more and more fake applications being created aimed at stealing these cryptocurrencies.

“We are receiving reports of an increase in phishing attacks via email. We do not send messages asking the user to click on any links. When in doubt, go to the app and click on its support links. Don’t rely on inbound emails or click on your links.

Therefore, MetaMask must also provide security for future collections of NFTs, whose values ​​could reach a few thousand dollars. In any case, the portfolio has not released further details on when the launch of the extension will take place.

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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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