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Kenya is asking for a blockchain election

2 min read


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The Kenya Electoral Commission is asking the country to consider adopting blockchain voting. Can the people of Kenya look forward to new blockchain-based elections?

Blockchain voting in Kenya

Former chairman of the Kenyan Social Democratic Party and current candidate for the country’s Independent Electoral Commission, Justus Abonyo, has called on the government to adopt a blockchain vote. The news came from The Star news agency.

Abonyo said that the adoption of the blockchain vote would have great advantages in terms of cost savings of up to 300%. He said before the selection board:

“The price of a ballot in Kenya is between 7 and 25 USD. If we use blockchain technology, this price will be reduced to $ 0.5. This is an area that I, as Commissioner, would explore. The same technology can also be used to record and report votes and prevent many types of election fraud. “

Abonyo further noted that the adoption of the blockchain vote will help improve the transparency and security of the Kenyan elections. Abonyo is thus coming up with a change in voting as the country prepares for the general election in 2022.

Blockchain elections could thus prevent corruption and vote manipulation. Kenya’s previous presidential election was marked by the compromise of the electronic voting system. For example, the IT election manager was tortured to death a few days before the election.


The blockchain election is a long-discussed topic that has had several successful attempts. At present, however, electoral applications are still not sufficiently developed to become part of a democratic system. MIT, for example, said it did not yet trust blockchain voting and could pose serious risks at present.

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