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Shortly from the Cryptoworld 29-02-20

3 min read
Shortly from the Cryptoworld 29-02-20


Coinbase and Ripple call on regulators to act

Two leading US cryptoprojects Coinbase and Ripple addressed a joint letter to US regulators to highlight the need for clear regulatory frameworks. The Regulatory Letter was prepared by Coinbase General Council Rachel Nelson and Head of Global Institutional Markets at Ripple Breanne Madigan.


Chinese focus is on Blockchain, not Bitcoin

Bitcoin trading volumes at the Chinese peer-to-peer exchange office LocalBitcoins have reached their lowest levels in the last two years. This is stated by statistics from the Coin Dance portal, according to which from the end of 2019 until today the volumes of Bitcoin trading have been steadily declining. These data, as well as statistics from Baidu, suggest that there is a big difference in the perception of blockchian and Bitcoin itself in China.


Conflict of interest of former Bakkt CEO?

Kellz Loeffler, former CEO of Bakkt, who launched the first Bitcoin futures-linked Bitcoin futures late last year, filed a request to extend the reporting period for its finances. This is a normal process for all new members of the US Senate to complete. Loeffler is criticized for her participation in the Senate as a conflict of interest. First of all, because she became a member of the Committee that oversees the CFTC commission, well and the CFTC oversees the Bakkt. Thus, in theory, it can influence decisions that directly affect this company. Another notable problem is that her husband Jeffrey Sprecher is CEO of the Intercontinencal Exchange (ICE), which includes the Bakkt and, among others, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).


There is a good chance that Bitcoin will not fall below $ 5000 again, says Digitalik.Net

In the second half of 2019, when Bitcoin began to decline gradually from last year’s high of $ 14,000 to $ 6,800, many analysts suggested that the growth correction could go even lower. There has been speculation about prices of more than $ 1,000 or $ 3000. Analyst says that under the price of $ 5,000, however, we most likely no longer look.


The development of the Cardano testnet continues very well

A team of developers behind Cardano Cryptocurrency (ADA) is working hard to improve the Shelley phase testnet, bringing the possibility of staking ADA tokens. The primary goal of developers is to address the weaknesses in the stability of the test network. The launch of the Shelley testnet met with perhaps even unexpected community and staking pool interest, which had been set up in the first weeks of over six hundred. However, a great deal of interest has also highlighted many of the shortcomings that Cardano is trying to solve over time.


Zhao enjoys Bitcoin criticism by Petr Schiff

Binance chief Changpeng Zhao used the story of the lost Bitcoin Petr Schiff to promote the holding of cryptocurrencies directly on safe exchanges, claims that the crypt world needs more people than Peter Schiff. The well-known promoter of gold investment is not a cryptocurrency fan, but his ignorance of the technology and the problems he has tweeted about in his community are said to be a great promoter of cryptocurrencies across the world. “I think Peter is trying to promote Bitcoin (ironically). He probably doesn’t realize that, given his illogical rationale, most people will do the exact opposite of what they say, ”Zhao said, adding:“ We need more negative voices of this type. ”


Charlie Lee suggests that Litecoin miners coud pay 1% on development

After Bitcoin Cash’s major miners, headed by the BTC.TOP mining pool, decided to implement softfork, after which 12.5% ​​of the remuneration of the new Bitcoin Cash blocks will be automatically forwarded to the developers, calls for a similar step, but less vigorously Litecoin representative (LTC) Charlie Lee, who suggests that miners donate a percentage of their earnings.


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All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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