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The most important news of the last week

2 min read

For the past week, the horrifying images from Ukraine have once again dominated the media around the world. Nevertheless, a lot has happened in the crypto space. The most important events at a glance:

Eurozone inflation higher than expected

The statistics office Eurostat announced the new estimate of inflation figures in Europe last week. While an inflation rate of 5.6 percent had recently been assumed, the figure has now increased to 5.8 percent.

Above all, rising energy costs in connection with the Ukraine-Russia conflict could play a role here. To protect their own savings from the wave of inflation, some consumers may turn to crypto as an alternative.

Visa and Mastercard block Russian banks

The credit card giants Visa and Mastercard have now joined the West’s rampant sanctions regime against Russia. This is likely to be noticeable in everyday payments, especially among the Russian population.

This is to ensure that the sanctions imposed on Russia are implemented. In addition, both payment processors each donated $2 million to different organizations.

FC Barcelona is developing its own cryptocurrency

The football club would now also like to venture into the crypto space. This was announced by club president Joan Laporta on the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

First one can expect an NFT collection of the popular football club. Subsequently, a separate cryptocurrency is also planned. However, there is no more in-depth information about a possible “Barca Coin” yet.

Crypto exchange FTX launches humanitarian fund

As one of the largest crypto trading platforms, FTX has now announced that it will set up a multi-million dollar fund for humanitarian purposes. The funds are intended to benefit companies as well as non-profit organizations.

With this, the crypto exchange intends to promote projects “that promote safe development of artificial intelligence, the reduction of catastrophic biohazards, the improvement of institutions, economic growth, great power relations, effective altruism and much more”. In the first step, 100 million US dollars should be available for this.

BTC ban in Europe averted for the time being

BTC-ECHO, germany crypto news outlet recently exclusively reported that the SPD, Greens and Left Party want to enforce a service ban for Proof-of-Work cryptocurrencies in the MiCa draft of the EU Parliament.

After a loud outcry in the international crypto community, the relevant paragraph of the draft paper has now been deleted for the time being. However, the report still has to be voted on in the relevant committee.

Pop star Billie Eilish has registered the NFT trademark

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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