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The New Operating Features of Norton Symantec’s Internet Security 2011

3 min read


The first thing you may notice about Norton Internet Security 2011 is that the program is very similar to the 2010 edition with regard to protection and the features it offers, however there are several amendments to the manner in which these features are presented to the user, making Norton Internet Security 2011 much more user-friendly than its 2010 counterpart.

1. Advanced Norton Insight Function

When installing new programs on your computer, Norton Internet Security 2011 will inspect each of these programs in terms of their history and place of origin and compare the data it complies with a database consisting of the entire Norton Community of 58 million users. This comparison check helps Norton determine whether or not the program you are attempting to install may be suspect or has caused problems for other users. In addition to this, Norton Insight, a feature included in Norton Internet Security 2011, will alert you immediately if any program is unnecessarily gobbling up resources. This particular feature comes in very handy in terms of keeping your computer running fast and smooth.

2. New Norton Sonar Feature

Norton Internet Security 2011 offers advanced detection of suspicious elements with the help of Norton Sonar, a feature of the program that continually and intelligently seeks out suspicious software behaviour and instigates automatic protective action whenever necessary. This feature can also be manually adjusted for sensitivity and aggressiveness using the Norton interface settings.

3. Scan of Social Networking Sites

In addition to offering a number of computer scan options, including full system scans, quick scans and even custom scans, Norton Internet Security 2011 can now scan your social networking sites such as Facebook for suspicious or malicious links. Any of these scans can be set to run automatically, with the option to perform on-demand scans whenever you feel it’s necessary. Many opt to perform a reputation-based scan anytime they install a new program just to ensure there is no spyware or malware applications attached to the program.

4. Other New Features

Norton Internet Security 2011 now offers a recovery tool that can write to USB devices in addition to CD and DVD disks. This is particularly convenient-and in fact necessary-for those using devices such as Netbooks which contain no optical drive.

Norton Internet Security 2011, besides being a state-of-the-art virus detection and removal tool, also offers many other features which make it stand out from the competition. You’ll find parental controls for blocking children’s access to certain websites and an identity protection tool which will keep you and your sensitive information safe, regardless of how you use the Internet. The Power Eraser tool will seek out and remove any disguised antivirus programs and malware to help keep your computer as fast as they day you brought it home. You can read more about these features and access a wealth of information at the Norton’s corporate website.

5. Technical Support

Finally, the support you’ll receive with Norton Internet Security 2011 is second to none and this agrees with other Norton reviews you can see here. Using the interface you can get easy access to email and chat support, as well as a list of FAQs and a user manual to help you troubleshoot your problem. Phone support is also available, although according to many users, it has become a bit more difficult to access phone support due to the other “help” options they insist you attempt first.

All in all Norton Internet Security 2011 scores very high in both functionality and user-friendliness, and is recommended almost unanimously by those who have installed it.

Alex Constantinou

All content in this article is for informational purposes only and in no way serves as investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks is very risky and can lead to capital losses.

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