After bears spent days to try and breach $10,000, with that iron support holding and holding, bulls may have now taken charge once more. Bitcoin rose to $10,600 from about $10,200 with ethereum seemingly leading currently.
Grandpa wasn’t sure what to do, but ethereum had enough last night (London time), seemingly deciding bears couldn’t get past $350.
So the fuel of this new global network is now probably thinking of testing that $400 again, a line that makes it a bit shy.
It tried to near it a few days ago, but as one might expect a correction at $390 followed. This time, it’s to be seen whether the correction will repeat or its blaze it time (don’t do weed, reks your brain for realz bad, try legal ‘drugs’ instead like beeeeee or vodka for you Ruskis).
Anyway, we’re past $324, but it’s to be seen now whether we’ll get past $423, with $500 of course being a bigger line as that hasn’t been taken in years.
The dollar is weakening, down against Yuan to 6.8 while it seems to be somewhat stable against TRY (Turkeh).
After much ra ra ra, Turkey and Greece are maybe moving towards shaking hands, while peace appears to be within sight in Libya.
Trump has been nominated for the pizza prize both for the Kosovo, Serbia and Israel deal, as well as for Israel-UAE.
Zero chance. Does he deserve it? Well… maybe, but Merkel’s intervention to stop the Turkey-Greece tensions could also be a candidate, as well as maybe the China concentration camp whistleblowers, or the doctors that tried to warn the world about the pandemic, or maybe even Iran’s admission they shot the civilian plane accidentally.
We think the doctors should be hailed because one of them gave his life in the end and of course it is that highest of nature, that care for all even at the expense of oneself, that deserves the highest of celebration.
Gold is up, stocks too, pound is down with another ra ra ra show there that you’d think will also end up with shaking hands.
The sun is out, so this rare sight you’d think is making much of usually miserable London a bit more optimistic.
We can maybe hope once more for global peace and global economic prosperity as one generation continues to give way to a new one which has very low tolerance for any shenanigans because it wants with urgency that space colony.
And since that peace and prosperity allows us to focus on building things, instead of wasting brain cells on trying to stop these one leg in the other world ‘geopolitical’ devils, you’d think such peace and economic boom would be very good for bitcoin and even better for eth.
Because as it has been shown time and again, it is not your neighbor’s pie that creates wealth, but the pies we create from absolutely nothing save for a pen that nowadays even writes code, not just the architectural designs of a spaceship that can go to the next solar system, or a solar powered flying car, or obviously a one billion dollar business from just one eth.
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